Chapter 4 - I'm On A Boat

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We headed a bit farther down the lake to another boat docked. There were girls sitting on the dock, I guess waiting for the boys, because they all waved to each other. They were probably all their girlfriends. Great. Cool. Awesome. Talk about a third wheel. As we stopped at the edge of the dock, I noticed there were only 4 girls. Maybe they were just their friends. I quickly realized that was wrong. All the girls on the dock ran to one boy and squeezed them in a hug. Except Dakota.

Holy tits. He's single?! CHALK ONE UP FOR JENNA.

Dakota and I were kind of standing there awkwardly as the other boys and girls hugged and kissed each other. 

"Well...this is kind of awkward" I whispered to Dakota. "They're all lovey-dovey and we're here like 'dur.'" Dakota let out a little laugh. 

"I know" he said. "This happens to me a lot, actually" he replied. 

"Same here" I said. How does that happen to him a lot?! He's gorgeous, funny, and so nice. Im surprised girls aren't tackling him. The rest of the boys turned back to us. 

"Girls, this is our new friend Jenna. She's vacationing here for the summer with her family" Connor said. "Jenna, this is my girlfriend Emma."

"Hi" I said with a smile. The last thing I wanted to do was give off the 'slut that will steal your boyfriend' vibe. I mean they were all cute, but I would never do that. I had my eye on Dakota the most, anyway. 

"This is my girlfriend Chloe" Frankie came in. I greeted Chloe the same. 

"This is Rose, the love of my life" Tanner said. I smiled at the way he introduced her. It was really cute. I greeted her with a smile and a 'hi' also. 

"And this is Madison, my girlfriend" Alex said. I greeted her the same. From first impression, Emma,  Chloe, Madison, and Rose seemed like nice girls. I hope I seemed nice too. This was my only chance for friends in this town, the last thing I wanna do is screw it up.

"Who's ready for some Teenage TV?!" Alex yelled

"Yeahhhh!" we all screamed. We piled onto the docked boat, and set off on the water. Tanner drove the boat, and Connor grabbed a big DSLR camera out of the backpack he brought along. He turned it on and turned it toward himself.

"Welcome to Teenage TV! And this is our new friend Jenna!" he said as he turned the camera towards me. I gave a cheesy grin and waved. After I did that, I flashed a look over at Dakota. He was smiling at the cheesy grin and wave I did. The type of smile you would do at someone when they did something adorable. It all happened in an instant, and as soon as he saw me looking back at him, he quickly looked away. Connor filmed a few more things and shut the camera off for now. 

"Wait, where are we going?" I asked him. 

"We found a cliff the other day, so we're going cliff diving!" he said excitedly. 

"Awesome!" I exclaimed. I was really excited now. I've always wanted to go cliff diving. I never imagined I'd be doing it in Minnesota. I sat next to Alex and made small talk with him, Madison, Chloe, and Frankie. 

Tanner pulled the boat into a port and docked it. I was confused. I leaned over to Alex.

"I thought we were going cliff diving?" I asked. I probably sounded quite stupid.

"We are" he laughed. "See those woods over there?"  he pointed to the right to the woods.

"Yeah" I said. 

"We just walk through there for a little bit, and then there's a huge opening with a deep pool of water. That's where we do our cliff diving." He sounded so enthusiastic, and that gorgeous smile of his lit up.

"Oh awesome!" I said. We all hopped off the boat and headed into the woods. I strolled along next to Dakota, and we talked quite a bit. As we talked and he guided me through, all I wanted was to grab his hand, or have him put his arm around me. I craved his touch. How could I be this head over heels for someone I just met?


Sorry for the big delay in chapters guys! Hope you guys like this one :)

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