Chapter 3 - More Friends!

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I woke up the next morning in my cozy room in the cabin. The thoughts of the boys I met last evening hit me as I turned towards the wall, still laying down. They were unexplainable. I only knew them for a few hours yet I couldn't get them out of my head. Especially the one with the flippy brown hair and choclate brown eyes. Dakota. That name suited him well. The other two were quite the cuties too. Connor and Frankie. Then it hit me...they were coming back today! This made me shoot up out of bed. I looked at the digital clock that was already in there. It said 10:30. This was kind of early for me, yet I wanted to get up because I didn't know how early the boys would be here. And they're bringing 2 other friends.

Oh ;).

Dammit, I should have asked for their numbers. That will be my number 1 priority today....if I have the guts to do it. 

I barrelled down the stairs and found a note on the table.

Went to the store to get some food for the cabin, then gonna go see what else there is to do. Be back in a couple hours. Love you :) -Mom and Dad

Okay, they won't be back forever. I already know it takes them hours to go grocery shopping. I went outside to get some fresh air. The morning summer air felt amazing. The smell of it mixed with the smell of the lake and the light breeze that complimented the temperature was perfect. 

"Jenna?" I heard Liam call from the cabin. 

"Out here!" I yelled back to him. He stepped outside to join me. 

"Perfect weather today" he complimented. 

"I know!" I said. 

"What do you say we get ready and take a ride on the boat?"

"That sounds awesome!" I exclaimed. I ran in and got ready, throwing on a white shirt with cameras on it that says "weapons of mass creation," American eagle shorts, and had my bathing suit on under it. I didn't try to rush though, keeping in mind that Dakota, Connor, Frankie, and two of their friends were coming by later. I waited in the living room for Liam to finish getting ready. After about 5 minutes, he came tumbling down the stairs in board shorts and a white t-shirt. 

"Ready?" he asked.

"Yup" I said getting up off the couch and putting on some flip flops. Liam found the keys to the boat and we went outside and hopped on. He started it up and before I knew it we were on the water. He sped through it and I let the mist of the water hit my face. The summer air blowing through my hair was perfect. Liam and I spent the next hour and a half on the boat, riding around the lake. We got back to our cabin around 1:30. I then anxiously waited for the boys to come back. Since I never did it the night before, I grabbed my laptop and went to check out their channel. Thank God this place has wifi. After one video I was hooked. They were so funny. Before I knew it, it was 2:30. I heard Liam call me from downstairs.

"Jenna! You have some friends here!" At these words I flew downstairs, because I knew exactly who it was. Dakota, Connor, and Frankie with their 2 friends. I went to the door.

"Hey guys" I said. I was wondering why they knocked on the door instead of just starting to film. 

"Hey Jenna" Dakota, Connor and Frankie said in unison, Dakota smiling at me. 

 "So this is Tanner" Dakota, said, pointing to a very broad and muscular guy in a striped tank top and black gym shorts. He was cute, but looked too old for me.

"Hi Tanner" I said, sticking out my hand for a handshake. I felt it was polite. He took my hand with a very firm shake and said hi back, smiling. 

"And that's Alex" Dakota said again, pointing to the tall blond in the North Carolina shirt and cargo shorts. His teeth were absolutely perfect, and he was absolutely gorgeous. 

"Hello Alex" I said, gesturing for a handshake. "So, what're are you guys gonna be filming today?" I asked.

"This thing we call Teenage TV. It's just a bunch of our wacky summer adventures thrown together in a video, and it's pretty fun" Connor said. That did sound like fun. Suddenly I heard Dakota's adorable voice. 

"And, I was wondering if you'd like to be in it. Go on some adventures with us. I thought might as well invite you instead of letting you sit in here wasting away your vacation" he said smiling adorably. 

"Of course!" I exclaimed. I couldn't believe he was asking this. I never would have thought he would. Did that mean he might like me? Oh, of course not. I'm Jenna. I controlled myself and didn't get my hopes too high. I called to Liam to tell him I was leaving with the boys, and as I walked on the shore of the lake with them, I knew this was gonna be a great day with them.

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