Chapter 22 - Visitors

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School had been in session for a few weeks now. Things had been set in a routine, I had a set route to all my classes, and it was basically the beginning of every single day until June. Homecoming was next week, and at my school, you don't have dates unless you're in a relationship with someone. And even then, it's not like you buy each other corsages and boutonnieres. It's basically like going anywhere else, just semi-formal. I had a boyfriend at a past homecoming, and even though the others where I was single were more fun, all I wanted was to go with Dakota. He'd make it so much fun. 

As I tried to keep my eyes open during Trigonometry while my teacher was monotonously teaching us about absolute values, my friend Hannah caught my attention.

"Jen" she whispered. I turned my head to look at her.


"Did you get your homecoming dress yet?"

"No, I was gonna go this weekend. Why?"

"Just wondering. You gonna get a sexy dress for Dakota?" she laughed.

"He's not gonna be there, why would I?" I was genuinely confused.

"There's still pictures" she pointed out. 

"Very true!" I laughed.

"Wanna go to Green Shutters after school? Didn't have time to pack a lunch today."

"Neither did I, sounds good" I replied as I turned back around to listen for our homework assignment. 

I went to Health class from Trig, and after that, the day was over. My last 2 classes of the day were ones I despised, so you could only imagine my excitement when they were over, along with the day. Thank God it was already Thursday. Hannah and I flew out of school faster than the speed of light to my car. We were starving, and Green Shutters is a great little restaurant down the road. We got to Green Shutters and stepped in, and I noticed a familiar couple. 

"Connor? Emma?" I (almost) gasped. They looked over like they were shocked to see me. Why would they be shocked to see me in my own town?

"Oh Jen, we didn't know you'd be here. We were supposed to surprise you at your house!" Connor said. Him and Emma got up and hugged me, and I returned the tightest I'd given someone since Liam went back to college. I was so ecstatic to see them. "So why you here after school? Is it like some sort of hang out for you and your friends?" Connor questioned. I still couldn't believe he was in my presence again. 

"No, my friend and I both didn't have time to pack lunches for ourselves today, so we decided to grab a bite now" I replied.

"Of all days, the one we're supposed to surprise you" Emma laughed.

"Speaking of my friend, this is Hannah" I said gesturing to her. "Hannah this is Connor and Emma, two of the Minnesotans."

"Hi, I've heard a lot of great stories about you guys" she said.

"And we've heard plenty more great ones about you" Connor said. 

"So did you guys just make a special trip to surprise me or...?" I trailed.

"We actually spent a few days in New York City. We decided to take a few extra days to see you" Connor replied.

"Aw, how nice of you!" We talked more while Hannah and I ate, then I brought her home and Connor, Emma, and I all went back to my house. 

"Where's your parents?" Emma asked as I unlocked my door. 

"Working, they don't get home until like 5:30 or 6:00."

"Gotcha" she replied. We sat in my living room and caught up with classic small talk and memories of the summer.

"You know, Dakota really misses you" Connor suddenly said. "He talks about you all the time, and his face lights up when you text him. It's gross."

I laughed, maybe a little bit too hard. Connor's humor made me nostalgic for the summer. 

"I miss him too, so much. Sneaking out every night was quite the thrill, and I guess he was alright too" I chuckled. We got back to talking about other memories and just typical nonsense.

"Oh Connor, didn't you mention you were gonna be vlogging our trip?" Emma cut through.

"Yeah, I vlogged in New York City, remember? You got that adorable pissed off in which you try to act pissed but you're not when I tried to film you changing" Connor laughed and smiled seductively. I couldn't control my laughter.

"Okay well I was gonna say the trip isn't over yet and the shortfilmzz123 fans haven't seen Jenna in a while, but thank you for that wonderful short story" she playfully pushed him. 

"Oh yeah, you wouldn't mind being a vlog, would you?" Connor asked out of politeness.

"Not at all, I've actually missed it" I said.

"Maybe you should start uploading videos to your YouTube channel" he said, pulling his camera out of his backpack. 

"I was thinking about it, but I dont know. I dont come across many great ideas."

"You dont necessarily need to have ideas, just a lot of fun." Connor positioned his camera and pressed record. "Hey guys! So we took a little detour from the city and look who we found." He turned the camera and pointed it in my direction.

"Hey guys, Im alive" I smiled and waved.

"Yeah so we're just hanging out, catching up, trying to convince Jenna to start making YouTube videos. Here, I'll make you deal right on camera. If enough people comment that they want you to start making videos, you have to. Not saying you have to be on a regular schedule like us, but just posting. Deal?"


"Alright guys, comment and say whether Jenna should make videos or not!" He said a little goodbye after that and shut his camera off.

"Connor no one is gonna say they want me to start doing videos. I was only in vlogs and a few skits." My insecure side had begun to come out. 

"Hey, you never know. On the videos you're in, we've gotten a lot of comments from people about how much happiness and charm you brought to the videos" he revealed. 

"Really? How come no one ever said anything?" I asked.

"We assumed you read the comments" he replied, chuckling. We talked more, and before I knew it. my parents had gotten home.

"Hey mom, dad, look who came to surprise me!" I said excitedly. 

"We know" they smiled, "who do you think gave them directions from New York and our address?" 

"Wait, how did you guys contact each other?" I replied, extremely confused.

"Facebook can be a great thing sometimes" Emma said. 

"One more surprise" my mom said, "Liam is coming home for the weekend next week! He said you guys got even closer over the summer so he wants to come home as much as he can."

"But next weekend is homecoming, I won't even be home that much" I replied.

"We told him, but he said it looks like it'll be the only weekend he's off from work for a while, so he's making it work."

"Well that's great!" I said ecstatically. First Connor and Emma, and now Liam. 

That night, Connor and Emma crashed in our living room and I was so unbelievably happy that they were here. Being with people from Minnesota somehow made me feel more at home. 


Connor and Emma went to the mall while I was at school, and when I got home we decided to just drive around, not necessarily looking for something to do, but being open if something catches our attention. We started down the streets and began blasting music with the windows down, considering it was one of the warmer days. 

"Gosh, this feels so much like summer. I miss it so much" I said, speaking to anyone that might be listening. 

"I know, it was such a great time" Connor replied.

"Definitely one of the best summers I've ever had" Emma added. I took in the scene for a minute, trying to pretend maybe it was summer again, and I could go back to the best time of my life. But I couldn't, because I didn't have Dakota wrapping me in his arms and telling me dumb jokes. Damn, Im so in love.

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