Chapter 5 - Adventures

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We all stripped down into bathing suits and immediately jumped into the water. It was a hot day, so the cool blue water felt nice. As I leaped off the rock, the wind in my face and falling into the water was such a rush. It was unlike any other experience. I came up from under the water to see Dakota treading water right next to me. 

"Fun, right?" he said to me, referring to the giant smile I had on my face. 

"Yes, amazing!" I practically yelled. We both climbed back up the rocks and watched as the couples held hands and jumped in together. 

"Wow, I feel left out" Dakota said jokingly.

"Same" I laughed. 

"Well we don't have to feel left out" Dakota said, as he stuck out his hand with a smile. I took it without hesitation while smiling back it him. When we touched, I got a rush. It just felt so right. It's so cliche, but so true. 

"1, 2, 3" we both counted as we shot off the cliff and into the water, still keeping our hands clasped together until we went under. I got back on the rock and watched as the boys did flips and the girls jumped in after them. I seemed to be really hitting it off with all of them. They were all so easy to talk to. We just instantly clicked with each other. 

We stayed cliff diving for hours. Both Connor and Dakota filmed all of us for Teenage TV. By the time we returned we were all tired out, and it was only 5. We got back to the land and Dakota and his friends were about to leave.

"Here's my number, text me later" I said flirtatiously as I scribbled out my number on paper. 

"Will do" he said with an adorable smile as he took the paper and hopped off with the others. I walked in my cabin house in a daze, thinking about how perfect the day had been. 

"Hey there" Liam called.

"Hi Liam" I said back. My parents were in the connecting kitchen. 

"So, I heard from Liam you found some friends" my dad said.

"Yesss" I said happily, thinking about Dakota. "Speaking of them, is it okay if I hang out with them, like, frequently?" I had a feeling I'd be with them a lot this summer, so I figured I'd make sure if it was okay now.

"I guess. But when we have something planned you're gonna be with us" my dad said, as my mom nodded in agreement.

"Deal" I replied. I hobbled upstairs to take a nap before dinner. I flopped on my bed, quickly falling asleep, and dreamt about Dakota. Honestly, how could I like him this much after a couple days?


Sorry it's short, but I wanted to get something up for you! I know I dont update so much, and Im really sorry. I'd like to, but Im either busy with something, homework, or plain writers block. Im really gonna try to update more! Hope you liked this chapter :).

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