Chapter 14 - A Night We'll Never Forget

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I tried so hard of thinking of ways to make me and Dakota's relationship work, but nothing came to mind. This was so overwhelming. Why did I make that promise? There must have been something in my brain that made me promise that. Maybe I needed something to hold on to, so I made myself believe that I could make it work. Why did I get my hopes up like that?

I rolled over and lied on my back and stared at the ceiling, thinking. There's has to be at least ONE way to make this work. There has to be something, anything. 

I saw my doorknob start to turn, so I quickly pretended to be asleep. 

"Calm down kid, it's only me" Liam laughed as he stepped into my room and closed the door behind him. He made his way over and sat on the edge of my bed. I raised myself up to face him. "You seem tired. Were you up all night with him?" he asked. 

"No, I actually had a great night's sleep. I'm just really stressed right now" I admitted.

"And why is that?" he asked.

"Before I left, I promised Dakota we'd make our relationship work somehow. I've been trying to think of everything and anything, but nothing comes to mind. I really wanna keep this promise too."

"I think you're thinking of things to complicated" he said after a minute of silence. "There's a simple solution."

"What would that be?"

"You're pretty good friends with the other guys' girlfriends, right?"


"So, tell mom and dad you're hanging out with them. Tell them you're having girl time after hanging out with guys all summer, then go off and hang out with Dakota. I can easily text you if mom and dad go anywhere, so if you happen to be at the same place they're going to, you can leave and avoid them."

"I swear sometimes Im the dumbest person alive" I laughed. "Thanks Liam."

"No problem. I know how happy he makes you, and I dont want that happiness to be taken away any quicker than it has to be." I smiled as Liam left my room. I grabbed my phone and texted Dakota the plan. He was quick to reply.

*That's perfect. I'll notify the girls with the whole situation just in case they're asked anything.*

*Awesome! So I guess this means we can hang out later? ;P* I replied.

*Of course baby :)* he replied. Finally Im catching some luck. I decided to try and take a quick nap. I easily dozed off and woke up later in the afternoon. I was surprised my parents didn't come in and wake me up. Either Liam mentioned to let me sleep or they're taking it easy after last night. Whatever the case, I was glad I got one day to just sleep. I hopped out of bed checking the time on my phone. 4:37. I also saw Dakota decided it'd be cute to blow up my phone with text messages. It was and it wasn't. It was cause he was thinking about me, but it wasn't because now I have to read all of them. 


*Hey Jenna*








*Damn Im already out of random shit to say. Just text me when you wake up (I can tell you're sleeping because I have not yet gotten a "go away Dakota" text yet). Love youuuu :)*

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