Chapter 6 - Spend The Night

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These past weeks with the boys and girls have been the best weeks of my life. I got to spend time with them a lot, but I was also able to reconnect with my family like I was originally supposed to. It was actually nice to be close to them again. Especially Liam.

Though the other boys and the girls were just as good of friends as Dakota was, he and I just seemed to have a special connection. When we weren't together, we were texting nonstop. When we were together, we couldn't shut the hell up. It was already almost the end of July and I was regretting the fact that this was going to end sooner than I could see it coming. This whole experience with some of the best people I've ever met was going to end, and I'd have to leave it all behind. Just having these thoughts were enough to just about put tears in my eyes.

I woke up to the sun shining brighter than usual through my window on July 29, and a text from Dakota.

*Hey! We're gonna go spend the night in an abandoned insane asylum in Iowa tonight! Wanna join? ;)*

Ugh. Winky faces. Lord help me. I quickly replied.

*That sounds awesome! Just gotta ask my parents ;P*

I tumbled downstairs, not even knowing what time it was because I was too excited. Thankfully, my dad was right there.

"Dad! My friends invited me to spend the night somewhere in Iowa! Can I please please please go? I promise it'll be safe!"

He let out a little sigh. "I don't know, sweetie. Overnight in a different state with people we've barely met?" Suddenly Liam spoke up from the other room.

"Aw come on, dad! Let her go on an adventure, it's summer! I've met her friends, I trust them."

My father let out another sigh. "Let me talk to your mother about it." Conveniently, my mom came in.

"No need, I heard. If Liam trusts these people, I think you should let her go. Remember the adventures we used to go on?" she replied to him.

"Huhhhhh....alright. But I want a call RIGHT when you get there, and when you leave."

"Yes thank you thank you thank you!" I yelled as I grabbed both my parents in a hug. I ran up to my phone and texted Dakota.

*Yes!!! I can go! :D* In a blink, he texted back.

*HELL YEAH! We'll be leaving in an hour and a half or so. So make sure to get yo shit ;).*

*Hahaha, alright. Meet at your house? :)*

*Yes, see you soon!*

I quickly jumped in the shower and threw on shorts, my converse, and my homecoming shirt. This was the fastest I've gotten ready in my life. I was glad because it left me a lot of time to throw a bag together. I grabbed a large sling bag and threw in a flashlight, batteries, my bathing suit (you never know with them), sweatpants and a sweatshirt in case it gets cold, and my charging phone case so I can charge my phone over night.

If you can't tell, I tend to over pack.

I still had 15 minutes, but I didn't care. I slung my bag around my pack and went up the hill towards Dakota's. I didn't want text him because I wanted to attempt to be cute and surprise him. I trudged up the hill, turned, and made my way over to Dakota's big green house.

I knocked on the door and without missing a beat, Dakota's mom was at the door. 

"Hi Jenna!" she greeted. I have been here plenty of times since I met Dakota.

"Hi Polly! Do you know where Dakota is?"

"Yup, he's right up in his room. Come on in."

"Thank you" I said stepping in and heading to Dakota's room, my bag wobbling around as I hopped up the stairs. 

"Knock knock" I said lightly tapping on his door,

"Hey Jenna, come on in" he said. I was kind of blushing because he knew who it was just by the voice. I slid the door open and met him. "Ready to go?" he asked.

"Yup!" I said, motioning to my bag. 

"Awesome! I'm bringing along a bunch of breathing masks in case theres some bad stuff in that air, and some gloves cause it'll probably be gross as hell in there." As I laughed we headed out of the house and down the street to Tanner's. He was driving because he was the oldest. As we got closer I could see it was only him Connor Frankie and Alex. None of the girls. We approached them,  and my curiosity got the best of me.

"Where's the girls? I thought they were coming?" I asked. 

"Nah, they were too sketched out so they didnt wanna come, So it's just us" Connor replied.

"I guess you're the only cool one" Alex playfully elbowed. So it was just me and 5 boys. Oh gosh. 

Lets not let my parents know about this one. 

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