Chapter 17 - Final Night

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I lay in my temporary bed, trying my hardest to fight back tears. 

Tomorrow is the day I leave. It's only mid-day, but I'm already thinking of everything I'll be leaving behind. The awesome friends I made, the beautiful lake, laughing hysterically every night because of my friends, being in YouTube videos, even Liam has to go right back to college in 4 or 5 days. 

I didn't wanna think about the other thing I'd be losing, it's just too hard. I almost feel like a part of me is dying. It's so damn cliche, but we just fit so well, like two puzzle pieces. 

My phone vibrated and interrupted my thoughts. It was a text from Dakota.

*Hi babe, you doing anything?*

*No, just sitting here*

*Come over please. I really wanna see you*

*Alright I'll be over soon*

The conversation was so dull, you could feel the sadness emanating. I slid off of my bed, brushed my hair quick, and went out of my room. I knocked on Liam's door to tell him where I'm going.

"Come in" he answered after my knock. He was laying in his bed watching Family Guy on his laptop.

"Hey Liam" I said quietly. Knowing me my whole life, he knew when I was sad, even when I tried my hardest to hide it. He paused the show, put his laptop to the side, and sat up.

"Come here, kid" he said, patting a spot on his bed next to him. 

"I was actually just gonna tell you I was going over to Dakota's" I said, declining the invitation. 

"Still, come here for a second" he replied. I walked over and sat next to him, waiting for whatever big brother words were going to come out of his mouth. 

"I know you're sad that it's your last night here. But just forget about that while you're with him. Live it like it's July again. Like you have all the time in the world. I promise if you don't, you'll regret it."

"I will, thanks Liam" I said smirking as I got up. 

"Have fun" he said as I exited his room. I ran downstairs toward the door. I decided to be forward and honest and tell my parents exactly where I was going. It was our last night, what're they gonna do, forbid me from seeing him again? It's not like I would anyway. They were in the kitchen cleaning out the cabinets.

"Mom, dad, I'm going to Dakota's" I said, looking at them before I walked out the door, waiting for the rage to ensue. As my dad was about to say something, my mom put her hand up and stopped him, and whispered "it's our last night here, let her have fun." I bet she thought she was being a lot more quiet than she actually was. 

"Okay, have fun" she said to me. 

"Be home by midnight" my dad said. I was surprised by that considering we're leaving early in the morning. I guess he knows I can just sleep in the car. I went out the door a bit happier that there wasn't a war with knowledge where I was going.

I started trudging up the hill, trying to put on my bravest face. This was gonna be harder than anything. Dakota knows me well enough to see through any lie plastered on my face, just like Liam. Hopefully with time through the rest of this afternoon and the night I won't have to pretend. I got up to Dakota's and texted him I was there as I walked in. He quickly replied saying he was in the basement. 

I ran down, but stopped in my tracks and jumped. 

"Surprise!" all the familiar faces yelled. In Dakota's basement was him, Connor, Emma, Tanner, Rose, Frankie, Chloe, Alex, Madison, Cody, and someone else who wasn't too familiar. 

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