Chapter 11 - The Race

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I dove to the floor of the boat trying to stay hidden from them. Of course; I have a perfect date with a perfect boy and my parents indirectly ruin it.

Dakota softy laid next to me, putting his face close to mine.

"Why are your parents out here?" Dakota asked, trying to calm me a little. 

"They said they were going to dinner and a movie, then star gazing on the lake, but I didnt think they'd be out here till 11 or midnight! I'm sorry Dakota." I put my hands over my face and closed my eyes. Not sure why, but I always do it when Im stressed. 

"Don't be sorry, babe" Dakota said softly removing my hands from my face. "If we're on the ground and quiet they won't know we're here. So since it's dark enough, we can just star gaze now, and whisper."

I turned my face back to him and smiled. "I love you" I said simply. I cuddled next to him and we started looking for constellations. We found the only two we know: the big dipper and the little dipper. So we just started making up our own constellations. According to Dakota, every shape either looked like a dick or his nipple. I'm in love with that idiot...and I wouldn't wanna be in love with any other idiot. 

Before I knew it, hours had passed. I checked the time and it was midnight. I heard a boat start up, and Dakota popped his head up a little. 

"Hey, looks like your parents are leaving" Dakota informed me. 

"Well shit" I said sitting up.


"I have to be home before them" I replied sighing and running my fingers through my hair. 

"Well guess what" Dakota said.


"We're gonna be home before them." Dakota secured his hat under a seat. "Hold on tight."

"Wait, are you sure you wanna go home? I don't mind being in trouble" I said. I didn't want an otherwise perfect night to end.

"Yes" he replied. "I don't wanna risk losing any of the days I have left with you."

I sat down and got a death grip on the side. If Dakota wanted to keep me from getting in trouble, I wouldn't complain anymore. The race was on. Even though Dakota was flooring it, my parents had a giant head start, and I noticed they usually drive boats faster than they think they are. I knew I should probably text Liam, but I also didn't wanna risk injury considering how fast Dakota was going. I also didn't wanna risk somehow dropping my phone. I guess I'll see how this plays out. It's an adventure, right?

The boat kept going airborne over the small waves coming at us from different directions. I tightened my grip each time I felt the boat lift off the water. It was fun on the way to the lake, but right now it's a little terrifying. Suddenly, I thought of something equally terrifying.

"Dakota!" I yelled to him, trying to talk over the motor. 

"What?" he yelled back, eyes and focus still locked on the lake.

"What happens if we pass my parents? If they see you going this fast they might report it, and if you slow down they'll drag you into a conversation because they know you hang out with me. The floor won't be such a good hiding spot then."

"We'll cross that bridge when we get to it!" he yelled. This made me nervous. Sometimes when you need to cross a metaphorical bridge, that metaphorical bridge falls through and everyone dies. 

Hold up Jenna, back up. Dakota is clever. He'll know what to do. But he can also be dumb as hell. Ugh, fuck. 

Dakota whipped around more and kept speeding through the water. As land became closer and closer, I was relieved that we didn't see my parents. A perfect night and I didn't get busted by my parents. I think this is too good to be true.

Yup, it is. As sight of the dock became more clear, I saw my parents in the boat. The boat was tied up and everything, but my parents were just chilling there. Fucking hell, how am I supposed to get in the house?

"Well, we've crossed one bridge, now we have to cross this one. How am I supposed to get in the house?" 

"Just follow my lead" Dakota said, starting to drive to boat closer to the dock. 

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