Summer Days

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*Beep beep beep!* My alarm clock rang endlessly. I slapped the snooze button with great force and shoved my face back into my pillow. It's the almost the third week of summer and I'm already being woken up at 6 AM again. This time for a vacation. I like vacations, but for only 2 weeks at maximum. This vacation is lasting ALL summer. We're going to Minnesota, and I have no idea why. I always thought it was one of those awkward states. What is there to do in Minnesota? As I was drifitng off into deep sleep again, I heard my mom's voice.

"JENNA! Get your butt up or we're leaving without you!"

"Good! I don't even wanna go. Why can't I bring a friend?" I replied, my voice muffled because of my face being in my pillow.

"Because it's a family vacation! FAMILY! We've drifted so much through the school year, and your dad agrees. This vacation is a good time to reconnect."

"But why the WHOLE summer? Why not a week or 2?"

"Because it takes longer than a week or 2 to regain a family bond. Plus we already have the cabin rented for the whole summer. Now quit arguing and just get up!" My mother almost yelled. I flung my face out of my pillow, and sat up. I tried to get the sleepy haze out of my brain. My mother looked at me and started speaking again, in a softer tone. 

"Hey, don't go into this with a bad attitude. I have a surprise! Liam is gonna be there. He decided not to take summer courses. And, we rented a boat! There's a lot of lakes for fishing and boating." A smile ate up my face. Liam was my older brother, and one of my best friends. This was his first year of college, and mid-year, he said he was gonna take summer courses to get his degree faster. I've missed him so much. Also, I really did like fishing and boating, which put me in a better mood about this vacation. In fact, they were things Liam and I always enjoyed together. Haven't been able to go boating since my parents sold our boat to help pay for Liam's tuition.

"Wow.....Liam is really coming?" I said, my shocked smile still on my face. 

"Of course. He's meeting us at the cabin. He wanted it to be a surprise, so act surprised when you get there" mom replied, smiling back. 

"Haha, alright" I said as I flung out of bed and went to get ready.

I got ready quickly and packed the last of my things. I was more excited that Liam was gonna be there and there was a lot of fishing and boating to do, but still...a WHOLE summer? In MINNESOTA?! Ugh, why me? 

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