Chapter 7 - Asylum

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Dakota, Connor, Alex, Frankie, and I piled into the car as Tanner started the engine. He immediately started blasting dubstep as we set off on the road. I usually didn't like car rides, but I could tell this was gonna be really fun. Being cramped in a car with boys like them was like a dream. 

One thing I loved is how conversation between us flowed so easily. It didn't even feel like any of us had to put effort in, it just happened. We talked about anything and everything. They truly were becoming some of my best friends. 

The 4 and a half hour car ride was filled with laughs and dubstep. I shared funny stories about my life in New York, and they shared funny stories about their Minnesota lives. 

We arrived at the asylum around 6:30. I sent a quick text to my dad letting him know I was here and we were safe.

We went in to explore around the asylum a little bit before coming back tonight. I was a little scared about it at first, but it still being daylight, and being with the 5 best guys I've ever met eased my emotions a lot. 

We walked up to the old brick structure. It was dingy and worn out - no surprise there. We all took hesitant steps up to the broken down metal door. It was off one of it's hinges, which made it easy to push open.

"Wait, guys" Frankie came in. "It's only 6:30. Lets go screw around for a little bit in a nearby town then come back when it's dark." We all agreed. It'd make this adventure even better. We drove 15 minutes to the nearest town, which was small, but not very small. The population was around 28,000. 

We stopped in a diner and had dinner, but since it was summer, by the time we finished it was still light out. We drove around the city until the sun finally started setting. We headed back to the asylum.

The car rolled to a stop, and we saw the brick building in the headlights. We all gathered some things to bring in. 

"Ready?" Tanner asked, turning around to us from the driver's seat.

"Yeah" Frankie answered, speaking for all of us. We filed out of Tanner's car and up to the asylum. We stopped and stared for only a second. 

"How about we split up into groups" Connor suggested.

"Okay" Dakota replied. "Um, Connor and Frankie, Tanner and Alex, and Jenna and I. Does that work?" 

"Yeah" they all replied in unison. 

"Oh shit" Tanner said suddenly. "I was supposed to call Rose when I got here. I'll be right in" he said, heading to the side of the building.

"Well, since Im 1/2 of the team I might as well call Madison to say good night" Alex said, going to the same area where Tanner was. 

Connor, Frankie, Dakota and I headed into the asylum. We all shined our flashlights around as we stepped in. The paint was peeling, pipes were rusted, and it was just all around freaky. It's basically what you'd expect an old abandoned place to look like. All 4 of us walked a little ways forward.

"Nice fan" Frankie said suddenly. We all looked up and saw a fan who's blades were curved downward, almost as if they melted. We all chuckled at it, and I took a quick picture of it.

"Hey, there's the stairs to go up" Dakota pointed out. "You guys wanna go up there?"

Connor and Frankie exchanged glances. "Nah we'll stay down here and wait for Tanner and Alex. Then we'll all figure out where to go" Connor replied.

"Alright" Dakota said. "Come on" Dakota motioned as we headed up the stairs. We flashed our lights down and around the hallway we ended up in. I turned to the right and flashed my light into a large room with old rusted bed frames lined up in it.

"Hey Dakota, look at this" I called to him. He walked over and stopped right next to me.

"Woah cool" he replied, sliding into the room. "I wonder what this room was."

"Maybe an infirmary" I replied. 

"Hm, yeah. How'd you figured that out?"

"It says 'Infirmary' on the door" I chuckled, pointing my flashlight to the inscription. Dakota also chuckled as I joined him inside the infirmary. We explored the room for a minute or two, then I heard Dakota's voice.



"Come here" he said softly. Slightly confused, I stepped over to him. 

"Yes?" I said cutely, as I approached him. Before I knew it, my cheeks were cupped in his hands, and his lips were planted softly on mine. 

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