Chapter 20 - Like The Movies

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I awoke to light rays shining through my blinds, breathing the familiar smell of my own comforter. I still couldn't believe I was actually home. After a whole summer, I left people and a place that had become all too familiar, but I had also come back to one of the most comforting places I could be. I flipped from my side onto my back and stared at the ceiling for a moment, I had so many mixed emotions about being home. I mean, of course I missed my best friends like crazy. Of course I missed the comfort of my own home, and being in my own bedroom. But everyone I met in Minnesota, all the memories we made made it feel like I've known them for my whole life. 

And of course, I miss my idiot boyfriend. Seeing it was 11:30, I deciced to text him, hoping he'd be up. 

*Good morning boo :) New York feels pretty lonely without you..* 

I wasn't expecting a quick reply, knowing he has a tendency to sleep until 1:30 (as well as I usually do). Knowing my best friend, Keir, was up already, I texted her as well.


As you can tell, there's a difference between FEELING like you've known someone for years, and ACTUALLY knowing someone for years. Her response came quick.

*SHUT UP OMFG I THOUGHT YOU'D NEVER COME BACK. Hannah and I were gonna go out to Skan and go shopping around 1. She's driving, come with us!*

*Sounds good homie! I have a lot to tell you!* 

*Can't wait :)*

Hannah was another one of my best friends. All three of us together always ensured a good time. I decided to go downstairs and get some breakfast. Walking down the hallway and past Liam's room, I could hear him snoring. I got a bit depressed at the fact that he had to go back to college in 4 days, and then a little bit more depressed that I had to go back to school in 2 weeks. But, I decided to put it from my mind and live in the moment. I was all types of excited to see my best friends! 

I went downstairs and was greeted by my mom in the living room. 

"Feels good to be back home, doesn't it?" she asked as I strolled into the connecting kitchen and started looking for something to eat.

"Yeah" I agreed, "Im going to Skan with Hannah and Keir around 1. Hannah's driving."

"They picking you up?"


"Tell them to stop in when they get here! I miss those girls!"

"Okay I will" I mumbled. I was half listening, half focusing on the multiple food items in our kitchen. I got breakfast, ate, and went back upstairs to get ready. As I got ready, my mind jumped back to how typical this was. All summer, I'd wake up, eat, get ready, and go hang with my boy. Now I'm doing the same thing, but going to hang out with my best friends. Not that it's a bad thing, but now such a familiar routine feels so different. 

Hannah and Keirstyn pulled up around 1:10, and as my mom asked, I told them to stop in for a little. Right when they walked in, I ran up to them and we all had a group hug. I really did miss them a lot. 

"Hi girls!" my mom exclaimed as we all finally pulled away from each other. She immediately pulled them in for hugs as well. My mom loved my friends (which was a good thing). She wrapped them into small talk about what they did all summer and if they were taking any of the same courses as me in the upcoming school year. After another 10 minutes, she gave me money (without me even asking!) and sent us on our way. 

"So Jen" Keirstyn said as Hannah started pulling out of my driveway.

"So Keir" I replied.

"I recall you telling me that you have a lot to tell."

"Why yes, I do!"

"Then tell us, bitch ass!" Hannah said laughing. It's out of love, I promise. 

"Oh gosh guys, I don't even know where to start." I took a moment to search for the words. "Okay, well let's just say the first day I got there, I met some boys."

"Ohhh get it!" They yelled.

"They all had girlfriends though" I said, throwing them off about Dakota.

"What a vibe killer" Hannah said.

"Except the hottest one, Dakota!"

"Dammit Jen, you can't just do that" Keirstyn laughed. I went on telling them the story of how all of us hung out everyday for a while, the asylum, the secret date, the sneaking out, everything. It was all so nostalgic. It took a solid 10 minutes before I finally finished the story. Good things Skan takes 30 minutes to get to. 

"Let's see a picture of this boy" Keir said. I simply clicked the button on my phone and showed her my background. "I approve" Keir said, practically drooling over him.  "What about the other boys?" 

I quickly went into my camera roll and searched for the group picture we all took in front of the lake a week or two before I left.

"WHO IS THAT?!" Keir yelled as she zoomed in on one of the boys.

"Oh that's Tanner" I laughed.

"I need his address, number, license plate, occupation..." Keir trailed off.

"He has a girlfriend though" I smiled.

"Yeah, it's me" she replied. Like I said, always a good time with them. We finally arrived in Skan 20 minutes later and started shopping. I got a new pair of converse for school, some jeans, and a hoodie. After about an hour and a half, we all went out to lunch. 

"Jen, I can't get over how lucky you are" Hannah said as we sat at the table looking at the menu.

"Lucky?" I asked.

"Yeah. You go to Minnesota, meet this seemingly perfect boy and his friends, and you guys had this amazing summer. It's all like the movies."

"Not exactly" I said quickly. "In the movies, they don't show the pain wiht having to leave, or not being able to know the next time you'll be able to see each other. They don't show wanting for him to hold you and kiss you so much, only to not have him there." I hated bringing down the mood but it's the truth. "Im sorry, I just miss him so much."

"I understand, I should've thought about that before I said anything" Hannah said sorrowfully.

"No I understand where you're coming from. Besides all that, it was pretty kick ass" I smiled. 

"Stories?" Keir and Hannah asked.

"So many" I replied. 

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