Chapter 15 - Unforgettable Night

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"What do you guys have planned for tonight?" Emma asked.

"Whatever we want. It's more of a spur of the moment type night" Tanner said. That was my type of night. We all finished our sodas as we discussed what we could do first.

"How about we go eat at Midnight Madness?" Alex suggested. "Im starving!" Midnight Madness was a different type of restaurant. They served the best cheese fries and pizza in town, and they were only open from 8 PM till 6 AM. High school guys usually went there to watch sports games (I know from experience - we all went there when there was a Minnesota Twins game on). 

"Sound good guys?" Cody asked. Though I had already ate dinner, there's ALWAYS room for Midnight Madness cheese fries. We all agreed and left Dakota's house. Dakota, Tanner, Rose, Cody and I all piled into Tanner's truck while Connor, Emma, Frankie, Chloe, Alex and Madison went in Connor's truck. I think Frankie and Chloe had to sit in the bed of the truck. 

Tanner rolled down the windows of his truck and blasted music as we made our way to Midnight Madness. We cracked jokes and I couldn't stop smiling and laughing. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I checked it in case it was Liam telling me something important. It wasn't, it was....Dakota?

*It's makes me so unbelievably happy seeing you smiling so much. Didnt think you'd be able to hear me through all the laughing and talking if I said it ;)*

I locked my phone and looked up into his eyes. He looked over at me and smiled, knowing I had read his text. I sat up and kissed his cheek, and he leaned and kissed mine right after.

"GET A ROOM" Cody yelled from the other side of the truck. 

"Shut up" I laughed as I reached over Dakota and playfully hit Cody. 

"Guys can you settle down back there please" Tanner said in a flamboyant voice. I laughed really hard because you don't expect a tall and muscular guy like Tanner to be able to sound so flamboyant. We turned into the parking lot of Midnight Madness and Tanner parked the truck. As we all got out Connor pulled into the spot next to us. I scoped out the parking lot quick as we waited for the rest that went with Connor to get out.

"Doesn't look too crowded tonight" I said, hoping someone was listening.

"Yeah I only see a couple cars here" Frankie added. We headed inside and I saw some guys watching a New York Mets game. They looked like they were in college.

"Hey guys!" I heard a voice yell from another table. It didn't sound familiar. I looked over and saw two guys sitting there. 

"Hey Mitch!" Dakota said to the one in a gray t-shirt that said "Lakeville Cougars" and gym shorts. His eyes were really blue and his hair was styled up. He also had some scruff. Very attractive if you ask me. 

"Hey Chris" he said to the other boy Mitch (I guess) was with. His hair was styled up as well, but a bit shorter than Mitch's. He was wearing a white Oakley shirt and tan shorts. I noticed his teeth were insanely white when he smiled while saying hi back to Dakota. Also quite attractive. 

"Guys this is my girlfriend, Jenna" Dakota gestured towards me. I stuck out my hand for handshakes.

"This is Mitchell" he said pointing to the one in gray. "And this is Chris" he added pointing to the one in white. 

"Nice to meet you guys" I said. 

"You don't look very familiar, do you go to Lakeville South?" Mitchell asked. 

"No, actually Im from New York. My family came to Minnesota for the summer and Im staying in a cabin on the lake right near Dakota's house."

"So we got some summer lovins going on here" Chris said. I let out a laugh. We all talked to Chris and Mitch for a minute and then went to order some food. Of course, I ordered a small plate of cheese fries. We all sat at multiple tables and ate our food. We were at Midnight Madness until 9.

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