Chapter 2 - New Friends?

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I have been cramped in this car all day long with luggage, food, blankets and more. This was not okay. I just wanted to get there so I could see Liam, and take a nice boat ride with him and forget all my problems. I drowned out the last few hours of the car ride with music. 

Finally, around 6 PM, we arrived at our cabin. The one we rented was right on a lake. We were in a city just outside of Minneapolis called Lakeville. As we were pulling up, I could see that the cabin was HUGE! That was a plus. 

"Dang, that cabin is big!" I said to my mom, leaning in between the two front seats to get a better look out the windshield. "How did you afford that - along with renting the boat for the summer - with Liam's tuition and everything?"

"Well, when we sold the boat, we had more money left over than expected, so we decided to keep it for a vacation. Plus cabins and boat rentals aren't very expensive here." We pulled into the driveway, and I could see Liam's car - poorly hidden, I might add. What a derp. 

"Remember, act surprised when Liam comes out" my mom said. 

"Yeah, I know, I know." As soon as we came to a stop in the driveway I opened the door and leaped out. I was desperate for fresh air. I took a nice deep breath and smiled. The smell of the lake mixed with the smell of summer put me in such a good mood. I went to get my luggage out of the car, but before I got there, someone came up behind me and embraced me in a hug. I knew exactly who it was, even though I wasn't supposed to. I did my best to act surprised. 

"Who the h-OH MY GOSH LIAM!" I said turning around and hugging him back. " thought you were taking summer courses?!" Damn, I was good at acting.

"I decided against it. I need my time at home with my little sis" he said ruffling my long, wavy brown hair. I cracked a smile with a slight laugh.

"Im so glad you're here. Wait, what'd you do with your hair? What happened to the long shaggy hair?"

"I decided to try something different. Ya know, us 'college boys'" he said in a funny way. Liam always did the weirdest silliest voices and it always made me laugh. 

I gave Liam another hug and continued to the car to get my luggage. I pulled it towards the cabin and lugged it inside. The interior was amazing. A giant living room with smidgen of that wilderness/foresty feel. It also had a bunch of references and saying about lakes and lake life (considering it was on the lake). The stairs lead up to a balcony over-looking the kitchen and the connecting dining room. The rooms were big. Liam already had his stuff in his. I picked the one next to it. It had a twin size bed against the wall. There was a nice dresser with a mirror on it on the other side of the room, and a tv on another dresser across from the bed. I immediately threw my stuff down on the bed and raced back outside to the dock a couple feet away from the cabin. There was a big white speed boat with multiple seats. You could fit a whole party on there. I'm not quite sure how to describe it. but it was nice, and it was ours for the summer.

Just as I was walking back, I noticed 3 boys walking towards the lake with a camera. As they got closer, I noticed that they were really cute. But what were 4 cute boys doing around my residence for the summer? I never had that kind of luck. When they approached and I could see all their features, they were cuter than I thought before. They noticed me and I immediately tried to fix my appearance. The one in the red, green, and yellow skull candy hat suddenly started talking to me. He was quite tan and muscular. His gray Coors Light shirt was a bit tight, which outlined his toned stomach and muscles.

"Oh, hi. My friends and I were gonna film down here. We didn't think anyone was here, sorry."

"Oh no, its okay. Go ahead, film. I won't be out here to get in your way." I cracked a smile, while trying to make my voice friendly, but also giving off a comedic vibe. I wanted to make a good first impression, cause chances are, these will be the only cute boys I'll find here.

"Oh gosh you're fine! You can actually watch us film if you want. I'm Dakota" he said gesturing to himself. "I live right up there." He pointed up the hill and to the right. "And these are my friends Connor," the dirty blond haired one with a blue and yellow snapback on waved. He had gorgeous blue eyes. "And that's Frankie" he said as the shaggy black haired one waved. 

"Hi guys, I'm Jenna" I said, friendly. "Im just on vacation here with my family for the summer." I wanted to make more conversation with the boys. "So what are you guys filming for? Film festival around here or....?" 

"Actually for YouTube. We're partners, and we upload videos every Tuesday" Dakota said. 

"That's pretty cool. I'll check out your channel later. What's it called?"

"Shortfilmzz123" Connor jumped in. I watched them film their video, and I had to fight so many urges to not burst out laughing. They were hilarious. The sun started to set, and they decided to wrap up filming. 

"Great job guys. You're hilarious! Now I see why you have a lot of people watching your videos." 

"Thanks!" they said in unison. 

"Mind if we come by tomorrow with 2 other people?" Dakota asked. 

"No, not at all! I'll actually be looking forward to it" I said, trying to flirt a little. 

"Thanks!" Dakota said flashing his smile. It was adorable. "Bye, see you tomorrow!" they all said. Connor and Frankie flashed their smiles also. As they neared up the hill, Dakota looked back at me for a moment, and smiled again. Hopefully this was gonna shape out to be an amazing summer after all, and hopefully with them.


I know this chapter isn't exactly "good" but I have good feelings about the chapters to come! And yes, my brother in the story is based off of Liam Payne. JUDGE ME! ;) I attached a picture of what his hair looks like in this story.

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