Chapter 12 - Exposed

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"Just follow my lead" Dakota said. 

"By that do you mean don't hide when we pull up to the dock?"

"Yeah" he said, suddenly smiling.

"What just sweetened your tea?" I asked, smiling along to his contagious smile. 

"My plan." I didn't reply because frankly that worried me. However, I just went along with it cause I had absolutely nothing planned. As Dakota slowed down and got closer to the dock I became more and more nervous. He pulled up next to the dock and tied the boat up. 

"Just stay right there" he came back and whispered to me. He kissed my cheek and hopped out of the boat. He went towards my parents. Oh my gosh, is he doing what I think he's doing?

"Excuse me" I heard him say to my parents. They turned around. 

"Oh hello Dakota" they greeted. Then they caught sight of me. "Jenna, what are you doing?"

"With all do respect, never mind her right now" Dakota replied. I heard him take a deep breath. 

"I love your daughter." Their expressions turned from confused to shocked. Dakota continued on. "Yeah, I love your daughter, with all my heart. She makes me happy, and Im intent on spending the rest of your family's time here with her, whether you like it or not."

"Jenna" my dad motioned for me to join Dakota. I walked over next to him. "Is this true?" I decided not to be a little bitch and take a stand. I'd rather stay with Dakota through all odds instead of doing what my parents tell me to. 

"Yeah it is. And I love Dakota too. He also makes me happy. The happiest I've been this whole summer. Actually, the happiest I've been in a couple years." After my words, I gave them the benefit of the doubt, and had a sliver of faith they would understand. 

"We'll continue this discussion in the house" my dad said in a stern voice. I already felt tears welling up in my eyes. I turned to Dakota and shrugged while fighting tears. He joined as I walked down to my house. I noticed my parents hadn't followed, so I let myself cry. Dakota wrapped me up in his arms and my tears fell on his shoulder. He rubbed my back and offered soothing words. 

"I'm sorry" I said lifting my head off of his shoulder and wiping my eyes. "It's just...I don't know. You make me so happy, and I don't wanna lose any of our time left. I love you so much" I said resting my head back on him. He held me for a moment.

"Your parents are coming out of the boat. I have to go. I'll text you when I get home. I love you so much babe" he said laying a kiss on my lips. 

"I love you too" I said as he started walking away. He headed straight up the hill, making the good call to avoid my parents. I went inside to Liam on the couch watching one of the Jackass movies. 

"How'd everything go?" he asked, not really looking up at me. He heard a small sob escape my mouth.

"What happened?!" he said running over, concerned. 

"Oh you're about to find out." I sat on the couch and waited for my parents. Liam sat near me. A minute later they came in the door. 

"Now we can talk" my dad said as he came in. The tone was not welcoming. I tried my best not to cry again. "How the hell can you be in love with a boy you've only known for 2 months?!" he was practically yelling. I fought through my tears.

"Because dad, I've spent almost everyday with him. That's more time than I've spent with some of my best friends!"

"I don't want you seeing him!"

"Why not?!"

"I know pretty much nothing about this boy and I don't wanna see you hurt when we leave!" 

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