Chapter 9 - We Are A Secret, Can't Be Exposed

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"Jenna, wake up" I heard a deep, soothing tone whisper as I was gently shooken. My eyelids slowly lifted to Dakota sitting up on our make-shift bed. 

"What?" I said rubbing my eyes. I checked my phone quick to see how long I'd been asleep. The time read 1:53. Only half an hour. I turned my head back over to Dakota's smile that seemed to light up the night.

"Just look" he replied, turning his head back to the big, dark, open field. It took a moment for my eyes to adjust, when they did, I knew exactly what he was talking about. Fireflies. So many fireflies were out tonight. I've never seen so many, and considering he woke me up, I'm guessing he hasn't either. It was actually quite stunning. It was like being under lanterns.

"Wow, that's...beautiful. I've never seen anything like this. I barely even see fireflies as it is."

"I know" Dakota replied, still in awe. "Sorry if you don't like being woken up or something. But I just thought I'd share the most beautiful sight of the night with the most beautiful girl in the world."

I blushed...hardcore. It looked like I spontaneously combusted. 

"Ya know even through all this darkness, I can still see you're blushing" Dakota added. I put my hand on my face and turned away while smiling. I'm very outgoing, but deep down I still have that shy side that showed more when I was little. I felt a tender touch on my wrist that was pulling my hand away from my face. I looked back over to Dakota, who then released his touch from my wrist and laid a hand on my still pink cheeks. 

"Don't be shy; I think that's adorable" he whispered. He laid back down on the make -shift bed, and I laid next to him. 

"It's such a beautiful night" I said in awe. The stars were shining brighter than I have ever seen. The moon was so clear and light through all the darkness. It was beautiful. Dakota wrapped me in his arms as I drifted off the sleep under the night sky, cool summer night air, and in Dakota's soft muscular arms. 


I woke the next morning to a yellow-orange sky dotted with wisps of pink. Such an amazing sight, and so much more beautiful than sunrises in New York. I looked over to Dakota, who was still asleep. His slow deep breaths made his toned chest go up and down to a steady rhythm. I couldn't resist; I had to snap a little picture. He looked too cute. After I snapped a picture of him, I took an artsy/typical white girl photo of the sunrise. It was too beautiful to not take a picture. 

After I checked my phone quick, I laid it back into my pocket, and nuzzled into Dakota's chest. As I tried to get comfortable, he stirred and moaned sleepily. I thought he might be mad that I woke him up so early, so I quickly snuggled up to Dakota and laid my head on his chest. His arms around me grew tighter as I laid, and I looked up to him sleepily smiling with his eyes still closed. I was slowly lulled to sleep by the sound of his heart beat and the steady rhythm of his chest moving up and down. 


I woke up again, this time to bright sunlight and a beautiful blue sky. I rolled over to an empty space where Dakota was earlier this morning. I slowly lifted myself up and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. I looked around for Dakota, but he was no where to be found. Thinking he'd return, I hopped up and started folding all the blankets. It was a very nice day outside.

I folded all the blankets up, grabbed my bag, and brought everything to the car. Dakota still hasn't turned up. I was getting kind of worried cause it took me 15 minutes to fold all those blankets and get my things together. As I loaded the last comforter, Tanner came up next to me and put some stuff in. 

"Hey Tanner, have you seen Dakota? I haven't seen him since we - I woke up." I didn't know if Dakota wanted anyone to know yet, so I decided to keep it on the down-low until I could find him and ask him about it.

"I haven't" Tanner replied. I decided to go look for him in the asylum. Maybe he went in to get one last look. I stepped through the broken down thresh hold and headed towards the stairs. I stood for a moment to look around. Being able to see everything, this place was actually extemely creepy. As I looked to the left, I suddenly heard a shriek on the staircase to the right and saw someone jump down in front of me.

"HOLY FUCK" I yelled as I jumped back. I came out of shock quickly, and realized it was Dakota smiling a cheeky smile and laughing. 

"Oh you asshole!" I yelled as I swung my arm at him. 

"Ow! That was right in the nipple" he said smiling as he put a hand over it. 

"You're a dick, you know that?" I said as I smiled. Though he did just scare me shitless, I can't lie, it was funny. 

"Haha, sorry babe, I couldn't help it. I feel obligated to be an asshole sometimes" he shrugged.

"How long were you up there?" I asked. 

"Well I had to take care of some YouTube business stuff before you woke up, so I went to the other side of the building so I didn't wake anyone. Then when I was done I saw you ask Tanner where I was, so I ran into the asylum, cause I knew you'd look in there."

"Quick planning, I commend you sir. Anyway, since we're alone, I need to ask you about something."


"So, since we're together, do you, um, want anyone to know or...?" I stutter when Im nervous. and for some reason I was very nervous about this question. 

"Actually, I wanna give it time before I tell the guys. They think I fall too hard too fast. and sometimes I have. But this time, it's different. You make me feel like a whole different person. Like I can grow wings and fly. When we kissed last night, I felt invincible. When we were cuddling, I felt like it was a perfect fit; like two puzzle pieces." I blushed. No one had ever said anything remotely close to that to me before. 

"Awww" I gave him that, but I couldn't help but be an asshole either. "You're such a fag" I laughed. 

"I try, I try" he replied. He ran to the door and looked out real quick. He came running over to me and pulled me into a kiss. I cupped my hands around his face and pulled his lips closer. I needed to savor these moments for two reasons. One, he's almost never alone. Connor is usually around, which I don't mind. I love Connor, but now it's just gonna make it hard for Dakota and I. And two, I'll only have a couple weeks to enjoy the sparks that fly when our lips touch. To enjoy the warmth of his arms wrapped around me. I don't want to have to say goodbye to him.

Our lips unlatched and we headed back outside. From the corner of my eye, I saw Dakota go to grab my hand, and then quickly pull back. This will be hard to keep myself off of him. 

"So you found him" Tanner called.

"Nah, this is Dakota's evil twin South Dakota." I also feel obligated to be an asshole. Everyone laughed. "Well maybe he is, because he decided to be a dick and scare the living hell out of me."

"Sorry! It was a perfect oppurtunity! I actually thought Connor was gonna come looking, but then you showed up."

"Oh thanks dude" Connor chimed in, laughing.

"Alright, well let's hit the road!" Tanner yelled. We piled into the car, and Dakota sat in the middle of Connor and I, Frankie was in the passenger seat, and Alex hopped in the back. My hand dropped in between me and Dakota's legs, and Dakota slyly took mine in his. I turned to him and he half smiled at me, moving only his eyes to look at me. Coming to this state, I never thought I'd say this, but I don't want to leave Minnesota. 


Song on the side to make the first half of this have a bit more feeling :). 

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