Chapter 13 - Difficult Promise

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As Dakota entered his room, he softly laid me onto his bed. He snuggled in next to me.

"I just wanna stay in this moment forever" he whispered to me.

"I know, me too" I said as my mind flashed back to the fight with my dad. Dakota saw my face had changed expression.

"You okay?" he asked.

"Yeah, I just hate fighting with my parents." I sighed for a moment. "But they just don't understand. They can't possibly. From what I heard, my mom's parents adored my dad and my dad's parents adored my mom. They don't know what it's like to be in love with someone with everything against you." Dakota squeezed me in his arms.

"What do you mean everything against you?" he asked. 

"We've said this a million times Dakota; I'm gonna have to leave. All we have are just under 3 weeks left. It seems like so long, but before you know it, I'll be gone. Also it doesn't help that my parents probably won't let me spend any time with you anymore. Face it, everything is against this relationship."

"But the most important thing is, we're making it work" he replied. "Despite everything against this, you're here right now in my arms."

"I love you" I simply said to him.

"I love you too." We nodded off to sleep in his bed.


I woke up to sun rays flowing into his room, and reflecting off various posters of classic movies. I let a smile come to my face, because I was able to feel the warmth and safety of being in his arms.

That quickly went away.

I snuck out last night, as far as I know they think Im asleep in my room. If it gets too late they'll come and wake me up. Shit. Shit shit shit. I don't think things through at all. 

I tried looking around for an alarm clock or something without trying to wake Dakota. If I got up to get my phone I would surely wake him up. After all, we were both cuddling on a twin size bed. I decided to just lay there and savor the last moments in his arms, because if I was caught, I was done. 

I layed there for what felt like 10 minutes, hoping he might wake up so I could check the time. I couldn't take it anymore. I had to check the time, because in reality it could be the difference between being caught or not.

I propped myself up and squirmed out of Dakota's embrace and out of his bed. I shuffled over to my phone. The time read 10:45 and 4 texts from Liam. Dammit. My parents usually wake up around 8, and Liam never texts more than twice unless it's kind of urgent. Im done, this is the end. I'll just accept it now.

I unplugged my charger from the outlet and threw it near my bag. I sat on the edge of Dakota's bed and  read the messages. The first one was an "okay." It was in reply to the one I sent telling him where I was. 

Second one: 9:04 AM - *Mom and dad are both up*

Third: 10:23 AM - *They just left to get more groceries to last us the rest of the time*

Fourth: 10:40 AM - *I dont wanna have to tell them you're dead again and they're not getting much so I suggest getting your ass home*

The last one made me giggle a little bit. Dakota had been stirring since I left his bed but he never actually opened his eyes. As I replied to Liam telling him I'd be home soon, I saw Dakota sit up from the corner of my eye.

"Morning" he said. His morning voice was one of the sexiest things I've ever heard. 

"Morning" I replied. As I turned to face him he leaned over and pressed his lips softly on mine. As he pulled away I noticed he took his shirt off during the night. His abs have gotten more defined since the last time I saw him shirtless. Gosh, morning voice and defined abs. This is all too much.

Before everything exploded from me having to take in all this sexiness, I had to tell him that I have to leave. 

"Dakota, I'm sorry, but I have to leave. Maybe we'll be able to hang out later" I said as I hopped off his bed and went to grab my bag. Dakota followed me out of his room and walked me to the door. 

"I'd love to walk you all the way to your cabin but I dont think it's the best thing to do right now. Im sorry" he said. I could see there was pain behind his eyes. 

"Are you okay?" I asked. 

"Yes..." he trailed off. There was a moment of silence. "No, Im not. Everything was fine until I screwed it up. God, Im such an idiot!" His voice got louder as he said idiot. As he turned away from me and started pacing, he ran his hands through his hair, followed by lowering them to his hips. 

"It's all my fucking fault!" he yelled as he threw a punch into the wall. His eyes turned darker in his anger, and his muscles rippled as his fist connected to the drywall. I was actually surprise he didn't put a hole in the wall.

"Dakota stop!" I yelled as I came between him and the wall. I put my hands on his bare chest that was rapidly moving with his breath that got heavier as he got angry. I stayed like that for a moment. I then kept one hand on his chest and put another onto his cheek, as I started to softly speak. 

"It's not your fault. It was probably better that they found out. When I think about it, you did the right thing." Dakota's breathing slowed and his eyes went back to their warm brown color. 

"But if I didn't say anything, it would've been so much easier to see each other" he replied in a much softer tone. 

"We'll figure something out, I promise" I said soothingly. He leaned down and layed a kiss on my forehead before wrapping me up in his arms. 

"I really have to go now" I said to him after a moment. It took every ounce of my mental strength to remove myself from his arms. Dakota leaned down and locked his lips to mine. 

"I love you so much" he said immediately after pulling away.

"I love you too" I replied. I headed out of his house and down the hill. Halfway down the hill I saw my parent's car was still gone. Finally I caught a break.

I went inside my cabin. Liam was no where in sight. 

"Liam! Im home!" I yelled to empty spaces. All that was returned were echoes. I went upstairs and heard the shower running from the bathroom. I knocked on the door.


"Yeah?" he replied

"Just wanted to let you know Im home."


I trudged to my room and threw my bag to the side. I took all the blankets and pillows out from under my comforter and nestled into my bed. I promised Dakota we'd make it work. Now I just have to figure out a way to keep that promise. 

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