Chapter 16 - Picking Up The Pieces

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I tried madly through my headache to figure out why I was cuddling in the bed of Connor's truck with Tanner. Had we done anything? Our clothes were on, so that's a good sign, but even then, there's so much more that could've happened.

Things slowly started coming back. I remember coming outside with Tanner and coming into the bed of Connor's truck. He layed down a blanket and we layed down and started cuddling. Okay, so as far as I know we didn't do anything which is good. Im not gonna lie, he was a great cuddler. But what Im really trying to figure out is what made Tanner come out with me to cuddle. Also, how am I gonna explain this to Dakota?

Suddenly I heard Tanner start stirring. Maybe he could help me. He opened his eyes and sat up, squinting at the sight of sunlight.

"Morning" he mumbled. I could tell he had a horrible hangover like me.

"Tanner, what happened last night?" I asked. "Why were we cuddling in here together?"

"You can't remember?" Tanner asked

"Not at all" I replied. "We didn't..."

"No nothing at all" Tanner stopped me before I went on. "You and Dakota got in a little fight, and since you were both drunk you both overreacted. So he stormed off and walked home. You were really upset to so I came out here and cuddled with you till you stopped crying, then we just both fell asleep."

"Oh god" I said sitting up beside him and rubbing my throbbing head. "What is Rose gonna do? The last thing I wanna do is be that slut."

"No, she's cool with it. I always cuddle with the girls if they've been in a fight with their boy and they're upset. I have some magic powers or something" he laughed.

"Well that sorts out one problem. Second problem: what were Dakota and I fighting about?"

"I can't really remember that. I'm sorry" he said.

"It's okay" I replied. Should I text him? I can't remember how intense the fight was. Hell, I can't even remember that we fought! "Do you remember if it was bad?"

"It wasn't like a brawl, but it wasn't really just a little spat either." 

"Alright. I really have to go, I have to sort everything out. Thanks for your help" I said as I hopped out of the bed of the truck.

"No problem, Jen. Remember if you need anything you know my number." Tanner was really a sweetheart. He was like a big teddy bear. 

"Yeah, thanks." I went inside the house to grab my bag. It was a miracle that I remembered where I left it. I picked it up off the stairs and saw Cody in the kitchen. I poked my head in. 

"Hey, thanks for an awesome night."

"No problem. Glad you had fun" he replied. 

"Well I gotta going, thanks again."

"It was nice meeting you, bye!" he called as I made my way towards the door, 

Shit. I don't even have a ride home. Thank God Tanner was awake. 

"Tanner, would you mind giving me a ride home?" I asked him. 

"Not at all, hop in." I hopped in the passenger seat of Tanner's truck as he went inside to get his keys. The ride was mostly spent in silence, considering we were both extremely hung over. He pulled to the side of the road on the hill above my cabin. I knew my parents would freak if they saw him giving me a ride home as opposed to one of the girls. 

Thankfully gathering my thoughts and talking to Tanner took a while, so by the time I got back to the cabin it was already 8. My parents should be awake. 

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