"I'm Not Soft"

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Request 5: Techno and the voices simping for the reader, maybe after reader gets in (and wins) a fight or something more domestic like farming or playing with Steve

Requested By: Anonymous

(Technoblade X Female Reader)

~Added a little bit of spice~


Technoblade kicked the snow off his boots sending little flurries all inside the doorway of his cabin. He had just arrived home, he was coming home much later than he anticipated getting held up at a long-running syndicate meeting. He was greeted by the savory smell of baked potatoes and steak, it had him practically drooling. Techno wandered into the kitchen after hanging up his cloak by the door, his plate was sitting in the furnace. He peeked inside and saw it was set on low heat just to keep his food warm, he smiled softly.

'She's so thoughtful. Keeping it warm for us. We should give her a kiss! Where even is she? Find her before you eat. You can sit together!'

Technoblade let out a soft hum of acknowledgment listening to the advice of the voices and searching for his lady love. He stepped into the living room and noticed the fire was roaring away in the fireplace, you were still here then, very early on he made sure you knew to put the fireplace out when you were finished in the room. He had a close call with Tommy when he was living here, and since then he made sure to remind you constantly about the fireplace. He spotted you and Steve curled up next to one another by the said fireplace, you were buried in his white fur and he was snoring away loudly beside you. A book was in your lap and you were wearing one of his shirts as a pajama top, socks with little bears on them adorned your feet.

'Oh my god, they're so cute together. Take a picture! Take a picture! She looks so peaceful...'

Technoblade smiled gently making sure he did end up snapping a picture, just so he could tease you about it later. Plus you were adorable and you snuggling with Steve really melted his frozen heart,


     "You guys are doing the same thing shut up." He growled under his breath finally walking over to you, Steve cracked his eyes open and let out a low snarl before comprehending who stood in front of him. Once he recognized The Blade he let out a disgruntled huff before falling back asleep, his movement caused you to stir. Technoblade watched as you rub the sleep from your eyes, before running your hands through your messy hair. "Morning Princess," He cooed squatting down beside you. You blinked blearily at him for a moment before a smile lit up your face, you moved quickly wrapping your arms around his shoulders. He couldn't help but smile in response to the hug, his hands were placed on his lower back as he squeezed.

'So small and cute. Just like a little kitten.~ Can you give her a kiss now? I'm tired of asking for a kiss just do it. Stop making him sound like a simp. Wait look she's pulling away-'

You pressed a kiss to his lips murmuring a weak, 'welcome home Protesilaus.' He shivered a little at the use of his Greek title and kissed you back.

     "Did you make me dinner?" You hummed nodded your head sleepily, "You spoil me, Princess." He cupped your cheek with his hand and you nuzzled into it, you looked blissful.

     "Only cause you deserve it, big guy. Want me to sit with you while you eat."

     "If you're up for it." Another kiss was pressed against the side of his lips and he purred fondly. You giggled a little and he flushed darkly, "Don't laugh at me that's cringe."

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