Daddy's Little Girl Pt. III

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Sam's eyebrow twitched as he eyed The Blade wearily, who stood with his arms crossed completely void of any weaponry. So far the Blood God listened to Sam, he had disposed of all his weapons in the chest and complied with all the prison security procedures. It was rare to see, Technoblade having no weapons and Sam being completely decked out in armor. The only thing the creeper hybrid couldn't pinpoint was the motive, why did Technoblade suddenly have an interest in visiting Dream, it just didn't add up. To protect the sanctity of his prison he had to figure out just why Technoblade was visiting Pandora's worst and only prisoner.



"Why are you here?"

"I already told you that, didn't I? I'm here for a friendly chat with my good pal Dream." Sam pressed his tongue to his teeth and frowned under his gas mask, "What? Don't believe me? How rude. Are you this mean to all of the visitors who enter your prison?"

"You don't exactly have the best reputation around," Sam grunted, while Technoblade made a sound and adjusted the mask on his face.

"Who's talking bad about me?"


"Tommy's biased," he scoffed watching the lava slowly descend in front of his eyes. Sam trained his green eyes on Dream across the way,

"Technoblade. Does this have anything to do with Wilbur's revival? Cause whatever it is you're thinking I can guarantee it's not-"

"Sam has anyone ever taught you to mind your own fucking business?" Technoblade snarled baring his teeth at the warden. Sam blinked a few times his grip tightening on his trident, Technoblade stepped on the platform and it sent him forward. Dream's head was tilted to the side, his dirty blonde hair fell across his shoulders. His bangs fell in front of his face as his head perked up seeing Technblade,

"Technoblade to what do I owe the pleasure?" Dream mused tapping his foot against the obsidian floor,

"Morning Dream." Technoblade mused cracking his knuckles, "we have a lot to talk about, but I'm going to cut right to the chase. Give me the revive book."

"I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about," Dream mused innocently, "Does this have anything to do with Wilbur being revived? Or a certain lady goat hybrid?" Technoblade growled viciously, "Does the name (Y/n) ring any bells?"

"How the fuck do you know her name?"

"Oops did I hit a nerve?" Dream mused his lips curling up into a grotesque sneer, Technoblade's fist balled at his sides trying to keep his composure and not listen to the roaring voices who demanded blood be spilled.

"Answer the question Dream," Technoblade demanded through gritted teeth. Dream dared to laugh in his face, "I'm assuming Wilbur shared that information with you?" Dream hummed softly neither confirming nor denying The Blade's statement but he got the picture. Dream kicked off the wall tilting his head to the side a coy smile on his lips,

"I met her, and not just her ghost." Technoblade's entire body froze and he pushed Dream against the wall, his fist was curled around his jumpsuit.


"When I revived Wilbur. She was there in his limbo, what happened to her horns I wonder?" Technoblade snarled deep in his throat, "Wilbur left her there you know? Did he mention that to you?" Techno wasn't a fool, he knew what Dream was trying to do but kept his composure, not letting the master manipulator get under his skin.

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