Daddy's Little Girl Mini Pt. II: Revival

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     A loud train horn could be heard in the distance and Wilbur picked up his head in mild surprise. The cold air of his personal limbo prickled his skin, the train horn was new, he glanced over at you. You were sitting against a wall holding a deck of playing cards in your hand, you looked just as shocked as Wilbur did. You stood up, (h/c) hair falling in front of your face, goat ears twitching at the sudden, blaring of the horn.

 "Wil?" Your voice quivered softly walking over to his side taking his arm within your own. He placed his pale hand on top of your own keeping you close to his side, even with his mild insanity he still strove to keep you safe and sound. "Is that a train?" The rumbling of the tracks only grew louder as time ticked onward,

"Sounds like it," Wilbur responded gruffly with a quirked eyebrow. He was older now, you both were, he had stubble on his chin and deep bags under his eyes. Yet, his drive to protect you never seemed to go away, even if when he first came here he barely recalled your face and name. That was until you spoke, tears rolling down your face in heavy droplets, that he recognized you as (Y/n), Tubbo's older sister. The young goat hybrid he failed to protect from her father when he was alive. You had looked different, much older, not that, that was a bad thing; your was hair a little matted from stress, there were matching bags under your eyes from being alone in limbo for years.

You showed him how to get around the limbo, even though there wasn't much to do the both of you made do. Wilbur taught you how to play solitaire and caught you up on everything that went on since your untimely death. You were so proud of Tubbo and all he managed to accomplish, your little brother was President! Wilbur had decidedly chosen to leave out the part about Schlatt and his demise, figuring if he wasn't here with you now there was no need to worry you further.

"He's alright right?" You spoke one day, head resting against Wilbur's shoulder,


"Tubbo" You said the word dad hesitantly and Wilbur had to will his body not to tense up.

"Tubbo's fine." Wilbur cleared his throat, once more omitting the fact that he blew up an entire country that was now under Tubbo's rule, also his execution. "It's Tubbo, you know how kind-hearted he is, I'm sure he's making a wonderful president."

"And dad?"

"Why do you give a shit?" Wilbur snapped at you slamming his head against the tiled wall, brow furrowing in frustration. "He killed you, your own father! Who cares where he is!" You looked away in shame cheeks turning red, he clicked his tongue adjusting the glasses on his face. "Fine, because you're so curious I'll tell you, he's fucking dead. He had a heart attack and fucking died!"

"He's dead?"

Wilbur turned to look at you and his face fell, you looked broken and shocked. Wilbur took a breath and pulled you close,

"Yes. He didn't die alone though...we were all there."

Fighting against his horrible dictatorship but you didn't need to know that.

You nodded weakly cuddling close to the man, "Wilbur?"

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