Immortality and Nymphs Pt. 3

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Welcome to the final part of Immortality and Nymphs Also @honeyco0kie helped me so much with this part and came up with the name Euphoria! 


The first time (Y/n) saw her son after his death was when Phil was out with Technoblade, she was tending to her plants out in the garden. It was very hard to keep plants alive out in the snowy Tundra but somehow she managed, she didn't want to give Phil another thing to worry about. The growing life in her stomach caused her a little discomfort and certainly made it hard to bend over. If he knew she was out in the cold while carrying he would've had a fit, luckily he wasn't here and she could do whatever you wanted. She was cooing at a plant urging it to grow when she saw a shadow overtake her vision, she glanced up and dropped the trowel in her hands, it stuck deep in the dirt just above your feet. (Y/n) let out a strangled sob, her hands covering her mouth. In front of her very eyes was the ghost of her son and a bright blue sheep, he looked so small, and noticed his eyes crinkling with nervousness and delight.


"Hi, mom!"

The woman immediately burst into hysterical sobs, Wilbur let out a frightened sound and dropped his sheep's lead. He wrapped his arms around you in a cold hug,

"Don't cry! Have some blue! It's alright I promise!'

You pulled away and cupped his cheeks, peppering them in kisses. He let out soft happy laughs reciprocating your kisses with one of his own right on your forehead, it felt frigid on your skin but you couldn't care less "I missed you."

"I missed you too!" Ghostbur cheered eyes flicking down to the small swell in your stomach, his eyes turned back up to you. You self consciously pressed a hand there looking sheepish, "are you pregnant?" You couldn't bring yourself to look at Wilbur, it wasn't like you were trying to get pregnant it just happened! You were so fearful he would feel like you replaced him immediately,


"I'm gonna be a big brother?" His voice was soft as a tender hand was pressed over the one on your belly. "Boy or a girl? Do you know? How far along are you! I have to tell Fundy!" Wilbur's eyes were shining like stars, you were shocked...he wasn't upset? You thought for sure he'd throw a giant fit, about how he wasn't replaceable...but he wasn't, he was happy, cooing over your bump.

"I...three months." You whispered, "Not sure on the gender...Phil hopes it's a girl though, think he's sick of troublesome boys." A smile spread across your face and Wilbur gave you a small grumpy look,

"I wasn't troublesome."

"Sure you weren't Wilby." Wilbur smiled brightly interlocking his hand with your own,

"Mom. Call me Ghostbur, please, I've changed a lot. We should talk..." His eyes moved to look at the sheep beside him and he smiled. "I can't believe dad left you here alone, did he ever leave you alone when you were pregnant with me?"

"Hardly. I had to beg him to leave and sleep on his own." You laughed resting your head on the ghost's shoulder, "He should be home any minute now. He's going to love to see you."

"You think so?"

"Oh, I know so! He missed you so much, felt so much guilt for..." He watched you grow silent, a pained smile stretched across your lips, "come let's get you inside." You decidedly left out the part where guilt was eating him alive, he floated after you hesitating briefly. You looked over at him and noticed he was looking down at the sheep, "Your friend is more than welcome inside as well, she looks lovely."

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