Time Travel is a Tricky Business

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(Karlnapity x fem!Reader)

Warning there is SPICE

Time travel is a tricky business. 

Especially when you were traveling to try and change the future for the better. Karl Jacobs was the time traveler in question, a young man who just wanted to protect his friends and find the best timeline possible without losing himself in the process. The first time he officially traveled was to a small village that was set up way before Dream and his friends ever arrived there, or so everyone thought. When Karl, the reliable narrator arrived in the village, everyone introduced themselves to him, welcoming him in with open arms. The warmth he felt from everyone was immense, especially from the young orphan boy Robin and his caretaker Cat. However, one face he wasn't going to forget anytime soon was (Y/N), a young woman who was the baker in the town. She had (h/c) hair and the most intense (e/c) eyes he had ever seen. When she laughed at his jokes he couldn't help but grow flustered, he was enamored by her in mere moments. It was almost a shame that he would need to leave her behind when he left. Even so, he could admit someone was pretty and witty without having a crush on them.

Which he didn't.

Either way, the portal brought him there for a reason and everyone was about to find out the exact reason why.

"Why're you dressed like that?" You had asked him before night covered the town in the darkness, you were referring to his mismatched hoodie with a giant green swirl in the center. It contrasted greatly with everyone's time-appropriate clothes, especially yours. He couldn't help but notice the corset tied tightly around your middle accentuating your...assets.

"I made it why? You like it?" He smiled over at you adjusting his sleeves,

"It's...very bright." Karl looked a little sheepish at that response, not what he was hoping for. You seemed to catch his disappointment, "That doesn't mean I don't like it! Just not what I'm used to seeing. It's very you Mr. Jacobs."

"Good god, it's Karl please."

"Karl it is then."

As night settled over the town, everyone said their goodbyes to one another, before heading off into slumber. When the morning sun arose Karl immediately knew something was off, as everyone was gathered at the fountain. Cat and Robin were standing there visibly distressed. He expressed that his husband was brutally murdered last night, even though he was blind he still knew his husband was dead. Robin was as horrified as Cat, clinging to his father figure desperately. The young woman he had met the day prior, placed her hand on Cat's shoulder trying to provide some form of comfort and he bit back a sob.

"We have to discuss what happened," Karl said immediately wanting to get down to business, his lips pressed into a thin line. You looked back over at him, shoulders trembling but trying to be strong for Cat and Robin. You were always close with them, Cat and his husband treated you like a daughter much like how they treated Robin as a son. Everyone moved to gather by the fire pit all speaking in hushed tones, it was Karl who stopped you,

"You're going to be fine I promise." He assured, taking your hands in his own, he felt you squeeze his hands back weakly. "I swear here," Karl pulled one hand out of his grip and unthreaded the string of his hoodie, "It'll protect you." You flushed and Karl ate up that look, he tied the hoodie string around your neck in a little bow. "You'll be fine," He reassured you and your worries were eased for the night,

"Thank you, Karl." Your dainty fingers traced the bow on your neck, "I trust you. please help our village." When you bowed Karl felt his heart skip a beat in his chest, you were relying on him and he was going to make sure the killer was caught.

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