Forgive Me, Father, For I Have Sinned

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(Priest Technoblade X Demon Reader) I have sinned. No tagging in this one! CW: NSFW Themes involved, Minors DNI :) 

 =Will put in --- if you'd like to skip the scenes ---

Forgive Me, Father, For I Have Sinned

There were many rules that a priest had to follow when joining the church, and Technoblade wasn't an exception to any of them. However, there were many things that the common folk didn't know about the church or priesthood in general. One of which was that they had to be trained in the art of exorcising demons, which just so happened to be Technoblade's specialty. His sermons were a joy to listen to, and he was well-liked within the village which is why he was trusted with this delicate job. On the edge of town sat a small house occupied by a family of four, a father, a mother, a son, and a daughter. The son was barely over the age of sixteen and the daughter was in her early twenties, recently the girl had been experiencing horrible nightmares as well as trapping and killing small animals. Both of which were not her usual set behaviors at least according to her parents and brother.

Technoblade had to agree, her behavior was abnormal and leaning more towards a potential possession than an angst-riddled young woman lashing out.

As he approached the door he already felt a chill go down his spine, the air seemed stale and smelled faintly of pomegranates. He loved pomegranates. Technoblade adjusted the white collar on his neck, before opening his little black book. According to the file, the possessed woman was named Abigail and she had hopes of becoming an artist. Technoblade took a minute to tie his hair back in a tight braid, before lightly knocking on the door. Much to his surprise, the possessed daughter in question opened the door. She had bags under her eyes and her face was covered in what looked to be blood.

"Please help, I think someone's hurt." She murmured through cloudy grey eyes, "I think I hurt someone."

"It's alright. Show me who's hurt Abigail," As soon as Technoblade stepped into the house the temperature dropped immediately. The smell of pomegranates entered his nose, and was overwhelming, he felt the hair on the back of his neck stand up. "Does it always smell like this?"

"Like what?"


She shook her head tiredly leading the priest into the kitchen, laying down on the table was her entire family. None of them seemed too hurt, they seemed fine aside from small cuts on their heads, clearly, the demon wasn't intending to kill the family. However, their cuts still weren't enough to create the amount of blood the girl was covered in. "Who else is here?"

"No one that I know of," Abigail whimpered rubbing her tired eyes, her body tensed briefly and her eyes glazed over. " I can't tell him that," Technoblade frowned and raised an eyebrow at the young woman.

"Abby, can you communicate with the spirit inside you?"

"No! No! I don't know what you're talking about!"

He gave her a stern look, "I can't help you and your family if you don't help me understand." She grew quiet playing with her locks of black hair, her gaze seemed fuzzy and unfocused. "Please," Technoblade urged, "I only want to help-"

The house shook a little and Abagail fell to the floor with a weak thump, she was dead weight. Smoke began to fill the room and curl around his feet, "Spirit." He growled holding the golden cross around his neck, "You must leave this family alone. You're not welcome here-" A hand clamped over his mouth, (S/c) skin and long purple nails decorated the hand. A body was pressed against his back, their curves were against his back and they smelled wonderfully pomegranates.

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