Written In the Stars

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(God!Technoblade x Female Reader)

Idea Inspired by: the lovely @abovenyx on discord!


Gods exist.

It's a blanket statement that the Gods on the SMP tried to hide from those who resided in its lands. They were under the belief that if the mortals knew about their existence it would only cause disruption and destruction on the lands. The Gods typically tried to avoid both of those things, even though that's what some of the fellow Gods yearn for. That chaos is what they craved, they wanted it to fester through the lands. One such God was dubbed The God of Chaos, their mortal name was Dream, and he loved to stir up as much trouble as he could. Much to the older gods' displeasure, one of them being Philza The Angel of Death, his wife, the Goddess of Death, always sent him in her place. Foolish, the God of the Oceans and the Undying tried to be the peacekeeper between them all but it was a tiring job that he wasn't equipped to handle all on his own. The Blood God couldn't care less about the sides he chose in disagreements he didn't care to be around his fellow Gods any longer than he needed to be. He would much rather hang around Phil's demigod son Wilbur, he tended to stay on the mortal realm and never bothered with the dealings of Gods, not that Dream would ever let him participate in the first place.

"Dream please sit down," Phil growled tapping his fingers on the table in frustration. Behind his mask, Phil could practically feel Dream's smirking face, the God of Chaos flopped down in his golden throne. He kicked up his muddied boots and placed them on the meeting table, Phil made a face in his designated place, and Foolish nervously tapped his fingers together just wanting to get this meeting done and over with before things got worse.

"Where's Techno?" Foolish asked after a few moments of Phil glaring at Dream, which seemed to snap Phil out of his stupor.

"He'll be here." Phil crossed his arms, wings pulling close to his back protectively, "It isn't like him to miss these meetings." Dream dared to snort,

"You're joking, right? Technoblade would seize any opportunity to miss these bullshit meetings." Dream mused, unclipping his masks' bindings and tossing it onto the table, "He's probably hanging out around with Wilbur again." Dream the dirt from his nails, before he ran them through his sandy blonde hair.

"He'll be here."

He wasn't.

"Are you sure you won't get in trouble with my dad for being here?" Wilbur asked, looking down at Technoblade with his big brown eyes. Wilbur was still a young kid, so Technoblade was able to carry him on his shoulders and scoffed.

"Meh, don't care." Technoblade mused, feeling Wilbur as he played with the pink hair on top of his head, "He can suck it. Don't tell him I said that." He heard Wilbur laugh above him but didn't promise anything to the God. He heard a loud sound of ruffling wings and he cursed under his breath,

"Dad!" Wilbur shouted eyes lighting up with excitement, he scrambled off Technoblade's shoulders. He landed on his knees scraping them a little as he ran into his dad's open arms.

"Hey kiddo," He whispered, ruffling his mop of brown hair. "I need to speak with Techno."

"Oh..." Wilbur whispered, vulnerability seeping into his tone of voice, Technoblade frowned at that. "I thought maybe we could hang out?"

"Not today Wil, I'm very busy. It seemed Technoblade forgot all about our work for today." Wilbur deflated and Phil narrowed his eyes at the godling, "Go play Wil. Why don't you see if Niki is around today." Wilbur shuffled and gave a small nod of his head, he said a quiet goodbye to Technoblade and headed on his way towards town. Phil made sure he left before Phil turned to face The Blood God, "We had a meeting."

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