Tis' But a Flesh Wound

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Request 8: AlrightY now that I have said that I'm here to humbly request a Tommy (PLATONIC OFC 🔫) hc or drabble or whatever of like Reader getting very badly hurt and just Tommy like getting the hell scared out of him and being kinda protective over the thing??? Like reader is like "ah yea, don't worry, it's just a Lil wound" and Tommy is like "WHAT THE FUCK"

Requested By: Anonymous

You knew Tommy was coming before he even entered the building you were in, you could practically hear his yelling from halfway across the SMP. You felt bad for the messenger, who just so happened to be Ranboo. They already didn't have the best relationship in the world so this probably only served to damage their friendship. Aside from Tubbo and Ranboo, you seemed to be the one person who actually considered Tommy a friend. You weren't the only one who felt that connection, you were the only person Tommy really trusted besides Tubbo, he'd protect you with his life. When the teenager first heard the news he started laughing, thinking you were a complete idiot for getting hurt in the first place, however, the moment Tommy heard Dream was responsible the smile was wiped off his face. You were lucky you survived the run-in with the demon, but deep down you know he only hurt you to spite Tommy.

He rushed into your room a frantic look on his face, "You stupid bitch what the fuck did you do?"

Half of your head was wrapped in bandages and your entire arm was wrapped in a tight hand-made sling. "Nice to see you too fuckhead, very warm welcome. I'm doing great by the way."

"Shut the fuck up!" He shrieked rocking on his heels very clearly trying not to touch your wounds and check them out himself. The both of you stared at each other for a moment before he huffed softly, Tommy rubbed the back of his neck before speaking up, "You alright?"

He watched your face soften a little, "I'm alright. Tubbo patched me up good, he stepped out to go collect more healing potions." You used your good hand to give him a thumbs up. Tommy winced a little seeing the bruising that even littered your good arm as well as, he'd kick Dream's green ass.

"What caused the green bastard to kick your ass exactly?"

"Didn't Ranboo tell you?"

"Fuck no I ran away from him. He's freaky as fuck." You frowned and he narrowed his eyes, "He is!"

"He's my friend."

"Doesn't mean he's mine bitch."

"Whatever," You rolled your eyes leaning back against the pillow on your bed, Tommy sat down beside you. "I may or may not have tried to challenge him to a duel to try and win one of your discs back. I was hoping to get Mellohi because we liked listening to it together-"

"You WHAT!" He interrupted with a shriek his eyes blown wide, "You really are the dumbest person I know holy shit!" Tommy narrowed his eyes at you and you refused to look at him, he grabbed your cheeks forcing you to look at him. "Why would you ever think challenging Dream for me was a good idea?" He asked confused his heartbeat rapidly in his chest.

Was this what someone being genuinely kind to him felt like? He hated it, absolutely not worth it.

Tommy hesitated watching your eyes become slightly wet, almost worse than feeling affection was having to deal with others crying. "I just am so sick of everyone treating you like you don't matter! You do matter and your feelings matter! People shouldn't just take your shit and hold it against you for no reason, we're fucking kids man!" You choked covering your mouth with your good hand, your chest began to rapidly rise and fall. Tommy knew enough to know what a panic attack looked like. "We don't deserve this! I just want to go have fun and make mistakes and not fucking worry about someone banishing us because of it!" Tears began to roll down your cheeks at this point, you couldn't seem to stop yourself, "Why is everyone here so fucking horrible?" Tommy's eyebrows shot up onto his forehead and he stiffly wrapped his arms around your shoulders. He felt you tense a little but didn't remove his arms, eventually, you melted in them and hugged him back just as tightly. You murmured a soft, "thanks, Big T." Tommy grumbled in response,

"That's enough mushy shit got it. I..." Tommy looked around rapidly for a moment before whispering, "you're right. shit isn't fair. But the fact is we can't change it, only do our best to fight against it." He sighed softly, "but I don't want you fucking fighting Dream for me. That's my battle and I'm going to be the one to kill the fucker got that?" Tommy narrowed his eyes at you and you laughed weakly.

"Got it, Big T. Trust me. I'm staying far away from him from now on."

"Good." He flicked your forehead causing you to yelp in pain, and him to snicker.

"You have to promise me something in return though," Tommy stopped his laughter before he raised a suspicious eyebrow. "You can't go after Dream to defend my honor or whatever."

"Of course I won't. I don't care about you that much. Don't flatter yourself."

'Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, they're onto me, fuck.' He watched as you narrowed your eyes at him suspiciously, he began to sweat nervously and adjusted the bandana around his neck.

"I'm trusting you not to be stupid."

"I'm Tommy Danger Kraken Innit of course I'm not going to be stupid! I'm never stupid, I leave that to Wilbur and Technoblade. Duh." He watched your shoulders shake with laughter and he smirked proudly.

"Alright Tommy, you win. I'll stop questioning you," You hummed softly leaning the good side of your head against his shoulder. He smiled softly down at you as you closed your eyes, he stayed by your side as you fell into a deep sleep.

Tommy was for sure going to take his revenge on Dream for hurting you one way or another. He'd just have to make sure you never found out about it, that couldn't be too hard right?

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