Poff Poff

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Request 7: Can I request an Uncle Jschlatt and Niece reader? (Platonic ye) maybe Jschlatt could be out taking his niece to a late-night convenience store so they could late-night snack because both he and his niece had a bad day?

Requested by: Anonymous

AU where Puffy is Schlatt's sister :)


Schlatt had, had a rough day, to say the least. He once again almost got banned for another scheme gone wrong. His election plans were set in motion but due to the statistics, it looked like he was losing and he was pissed off beyond belief. He had no plans for the rest of the day, all he wanted to do was relax with a drink and a cigarette, maybe watch a movie, just something to help him through the rest of this shitty ass day.

So, When Puffy had shown up on his doorstep and dropped you off to watch you while she went out his immediate response was no. He already smells like cigarette smoke and whiskey he shouldn't be anywhere near a child. But one harsh glare from his sister made him shut his trap, he looked down at you and you looked just as unhappy to be there.

"Mom do I have to stay here, I'm old enough to stay on my own. Or even with Dream?" The angsty teen groaned tilting her head to the side, her little horns hitting her on the shoulder. Puffy let out a pinched huff pressing her fingers to her nose,

"You know Dreams out with George and Sapnap, plus you're still too young to be left alone. So you're staying with Uncle Schlatt until I get back from my date with Niki."


"Hush no butts. Now you." She pointed a finger at Schlatt, "no smoking or drinking in front of my little Poff got it?" Schlatt rolled his eyes snarling over at his sister,

"Have a little faith in me, sis." She shot him a look, and he wilted a little bit,

"Be good."

"I will." You groaned,

"Not talking to you."

"I will." The goat-man grumbled under his breath, finally seeming satisfied his sister departed leaving her equally hotheaded daughter by his side. "So...you smoke?"

"No Uncle Schlatt I don't smoke," You sighed a frown on your face usually that comment got a least a snort.

Oh no, not teenage angst.

You walked past him into his humble abode and plopped down on his couch, it also smelled like smoke, "How's Quackity?"

"You mean Flatty Patty?" He smirked plopping down beside you scratching at his ear absentmindedly. You snickered, there it was,

"No I don't, you know he hates when you call him that." You nudged him gently, Schlatt ruffled your hair minding your horns. You huffed at him moving to fix your tousled hair,

"Alright, kid you got me. Now, what's up with you?"

"Nothings wrong." You muttered crossing your arms over your chest defensively, he shrugged his shoulders not bothering to push you. "Okay fine!" You blurted throwing your hands in the air, the man raised an eyebrow.

"I didn't say anything-"

"It's just Dream's not been home lately and Mom's not taking it well. Instead of trying to watch out for him n' shit, she's going on dates with Niki." You groaned falling back against the couch, "When he does come home it's just for food and to pet, his cat then leave. He barely even says hi to us anymore...we used to be so close. Now he just doesn't care." Your face fell and he frowned, Schlatt winced a little he was never known to be very good with comforting people let alone comforting women. He placed a hand on your shoulder and squeezed,

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