Chapter 36

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 - John Lennon -

Paul discovered I’m a vampire.. and now.. he’s crazy because he thinks me and George need to talk or see each other.. or I don’t know what his plan is. I think he will kill someone.. God don’t let this happen… And anyway.. Where is George..

I walk outside around. With sunglasses. I still can.. I think I should be as much as possible outside.. before I just really can’t.. Anyway I don’t need blood yet like that poor Harrison..

I cough. I’ve got a cold. I didn’t even know Vampires could get colds. But anyway I’m in an early state.. I’ve at least a few weeks till I need someone’s blood.. or whatever..

I walk to the bridge.. Not to jump or anything. I’m not ridiculous to kill myself. But water calms me down.  I need to watch it. It can clear my mind. I also can climb up in a tree.. but I don’t think the guys like me to sit in a tree. They would think that something bad is going on. That’s mainly the reason when I am high up in a tree. Smell the nature. See the nature and being comfortable in the park’s tree.. of course the park has more trees but there’s just one very comfortable tree.. 

I hold my hands in my pockets when I walk towards the bridge.

I hear steps running after me. “JOHN!” Ringo calls.

I turn around and wave at him.

“HELP!” He calls, he’s out of breathe.

“What’s going on?!” I say, looking at his feared expression.

“It’s Paul!!” Ringo calls. Still running to me.

“What’s to do with him?!” I reply and start running to Ringo.

“He’s gonna jump off a building and I can’t stop him!!! HELP!” He calls.

“Where?!” I call. And start sprinting.

“The flat near our house!!!” Ringo calls back.

I sprint to the building. I’m getting faster.. and faster.. I start to reach the speed that cars drive. I can’t believe this. How can I be so fast.. not as fast as George.. but still quite fast.

 “PAUL!” I shout when I see a man on the top of a building. About to run off the building to get himself into the death.

I try to run faster. Far behind me is Ringo.

A second later. I smell some burned skin and wind going past me.  “George?!” I call.

One second he slows down. “Sorry John.” George’s kind voice says and he goes back as speed of light.

I can’t believe what I see. I can see him running in the speed of light.. He’s running up the building.. He doesn’t fall.. how can’t he fall.. how?

Paul runs off the building and falls down. He screams.

“PAUL!!!!!” I should. My voice is broken. I sprint to him to catch him.

I see George.. still George.. He doesn’t run up the building.. he is turning..  a few steps back down.. and jumps..

I still run.. I can’t think proper.. I can’t. I absolutely can’t!!!

I see George grabbing Paul. And they fall.. both their heads down..

“GEORGE!!!! PAUL!!!!!” I should. I try to think quickly to save them.. But I can’t think.. They will die.. oh GOD! No ! stahp it!!! Stop it!!! NOO!!

I feel like my head is tearing up.

Then less than a second later I don’t see them.. and I don’t hear them..

My eyes start filling with tears..  “Guys…” I sob.

George Vampire HarrisonWhere stories live. Discover now