Chapter 27

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 - POV John Lennon -

Everybody is worrying about me. Cause this ‘Weakness’ I’m having. But They don’t understand it. And I don’t believe something will solve this. The doctors have been checking on me and I begged them nothing to say to Paul. I already know what’s wrong with me. It’s been George’s bit. He has drank me. My blood he has also put poison into me. Like a snake’s bite.. George isn’t a snake and I actually don’t really know how this is about by vampires.. I do now really believe he is one. Yesterday Paul called the ambulance… They got me too. I didn’t want to.. But Paul and the paramedics made me to.

A doctor walks over to me. “How are you doing?” He asks, trying to get a good remedy.

“Still the same sir.” I reply. I sit up slowly but still use all the strength in my arms.

“That’s good. It’s been not worse.” He says positivity.

I think by myself. Why is he so positive. He knows I will die in a month or something like that.

“You’re getting stable.” He says.

“I always was stable. Alone the 2 days after the snake bite. I got worse.” I say. I don’t say it was George’s his bite. I know people can’t hold their mouths because we’re famous. But while I made up it like a snake bite, it makes me see a snake with George’s head and very long and sharp fangs. It gives me a smile on my face to imagine people as animals. The easiest to image people in are dogs. Just easy dogs. For every dog there is just an human what belongs. I notice I’m in thoughts and let myself snap out to listen to the doctor.. But he’s gone and Paul is next me. I’m confused. Was I really that long in thoughts?

“Ringo is in a coma.” Paul says to me when he notices I’ve finally noticed him.. What a sentence. Very funny..

Wait.. “Ringo in coma?” I look shocked.

“They don’t think it’s a deep one because he moves his finger some time.” Paul says.

“Oh god.. Poor Rings.. Do you know what happened? I was sleeping…” I say

“Not much. I only know I heard a loud noise and then George stormed off..” Paul says.

“But you found him.” I say.

“I did… He laid against the sideboard. It was heartbreaking.” Paul says.

“I bet he will be alright.” I say.

“I hope. He’s a weak guy. He never finished school because of an illness. I don’t exactly know which one..” Paul explains.

“You know more than I do Paulie.” I say.

“We ever talked to each other when he was sad. I got the whole story to hear.” Paul replies.

I nod, I lay back down in bed. That’s more comfortable and warmer.

“Are you getting better?” Paul asks me.

I think, I don’t know what I should answer. I don’t want him to check on a doctor and ask if I survive or not. I should tell him myself. “Paul.. I think I should tell you something.” I say.

“What’s it..?” Paul replies.

“I think I have about a month to live. Maybe longer. Maybe shorter. But I’ve a sort of snake poisoning. George’s fangs have poison..” I say.

Paul is quiet. He’s in shock. I can read it on his face.

“Paul..?” I say.

Paul doesn’t react.

I stretch out my arm and shake him. “Paul.”

He still doesn’t react.

I shout “PAUL!”

He snaps out. “You can’t die..” He says as soon he’s snapped out.

“Everybody dies ones.” I say with a smile. Trying to make this less painful for him. Paul’s pretty much my best mate. He’s a support.

“But you will too young.. John.. please tell me there is a way out..” Paul looks desperate.

“If the doctors find one, yes.” I say. I start to whisper  “I didn’t tell them it was George. They can’t hold that secret.”

Paul nods. He understands this, He knows how much fans want to know our private life.

“John.” Paul says.

“Yeah.” I say.

“I’m going to call. So I can see if George’s home.” Paul says.

“Good luck.” I reply

“Thanks John.” Paul replies. He walks to the phone. I can’t see him longer and he calls.

After 5 minutes he returns . “No reply.” Paul sighs. He looks worried. “I think something has happened. George is someone who prefers to be home.” Paul says.

“I know.” I say. Start to think. “Maybe he’s just home but doesn’t want to speak. That happens more often last time.” John says.

“That’s true. But still..” Paul says.

I look at Paul. “Can you check out if he’s home. I think he just doesn’t want to speak.” I say to him.

Paul nods and puts his coat on, he makes himself ready to leave.

“Paul..” I say.

He looks at me “Yes”

“Please tell me if you found him or didn’t found.” I say.

Paul nods. Zips up his coat, he looks one last time at me and waves. I wave back and he leaves me. I make myself comfortable in the hospital bed and fall asleep.

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