Chapter 25

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 - POV Paul McCartney -

I’ve no clue what happened. I heard someone fall.. I didn’t know who till George stormed past me. I called his name. but he didn’t hear me. Or he ignored. But I think he didn’t hear me.

I look down at John. He’s sleeping now. Probably cause I cradled him. I lay him down gently and stand up. I walk to the kitchen and See Ringo laying against the sideboard.

“Ringo? What happened?” I ask but notice he doesn’t move.

My eyes fill with tears. I kneel down in front of him and check if he breathes. He does. Luckily. He does. I’m happy he’s alright. Or at least something like that.. I pick him up.

“Shit..” I whisper loud as I see blood on the sideboard. I look at the back of Ringo’s head and there is a hole. I panic. And get cloths. I put them against his head.

I look around for the phone in John’s house. But I can’t find him. I feel stressed. Do I look on the wrong places? I carry Ringo to the living room. John’s still sleeping. But I think I should wake him up. It’s to save Ringo. Although John is weak. Maybe.. this is even a good thing. If I get the phone I can send them both to hospital. John didn’t want it.

I push against John with my foot because I hold Ringo.

“Humm..” John says half sleeping.

“John, where’s the phone?” I ask.

“Stairs..” He mumbles.

“Thank you.” I say and walk to the phone.. I sit Ringo down on a chair. Making sure there won’t fall blood onto it.

I call the ambulance. For John and Ringo. I ask for hurry. Because I’m not sure how long Ringo can wait.

After calling I go back to Ringo and sit down next him. I’m scared that he can’t make it. I make sure the cloth keeps on his head. It’s already red by bleeding. “wake up..” I whisper quietly. And look in his eyes hopefully. Like I said the magic words that can help everything out. Sadly this has got no effect. Ringo keeps like this. Knocked out. Luckily still breathing and still having pulse. It’s slow.. sad.. really sad… I start crying. Thinking the ambulance takes quite long. “Ringo?” I whisper in his ear but he doesn’t react. I really hope George didn’t knock him into a coma. Wait.. did George even knock him? I sigh. I feel stupid for thinking. I should keep my friend alive. I look back over at John who has back fallen asleep.  Also about him I’ve my worries. John is a strong man. Maybe stronger then all of us.

I hear sirens from the ambulances. I get up and open the door. Leaving Ringo on the sofa.

Two paramedics stand in front of me when I open the door. “My friends are inside. One of them is knocked out. The other is just sleeping.” I say as protecting John before he gets stuff which aren’t needed. “Take the one with the head wound first. Please.” I follow my sentence.

They nod walk in and luckily take Ringo.

“Yes, he’s the knocked out one.” I say.

The paramedics put Ringo in an ambulance and stabilize him.

I go to John and shake him gently awake.

John looks at me. “Yes..” He says.

“No worry. But I got you an ambulance.” I say to him.

John’s eyes widen and I can read his panic on his face.

“John.. Calm down. It’s alright. I do this so you can get better. You won’t otherwise..” I say to him.

“Paul.. I .. I can’t go..” John’s sound is scared and he sits up slowly. Still faster then I expect he could. Maybe he has adrenaline because of the scare. John stands up.

“No.” I say and take his hand.

He tries to pull himself free. But he’s simply to weak. I don’t even need to use any energy to keep holding him.

John breathes and lets himself fall back into the sofa.

Another paramedic walks over.

I look at the paramedic. “Take John. He’s weak and only gets worse. He can walk himself. But he doesn’t want this. So hold him.” I say.

The paramedic nods and Takes John. Who looks desperate and scared. I stand up and follow. It’s better to support him. Ringo is knocked out so it’s very pointless to be with him…

I sit down in the ambulance next John who is getting checked.

John looks at me. “Hey… Maybe a strange timing.. But where’s George?”

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