Chapter 10

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"George." Ringo calls when he knocks on the door. "Open the door.. please..." He tries to open it.

I keep quiet.

"George?" Ringo asks his voice sounds worried. I hear him trying to get the door open. "GEORGE REPLY PLEASE." he shouts concerned.

I walk over and move the furniture away, Then I unlock the door and look right in Ringo's blue eyes. He wraps me in a hug, I feel embaressed. "You're okay." he says relieved.

"No, and I never will be." I start crying again. "I almost killed John... I'm a asshole.. I hate this so much..." I cry.

He strokes my back gently. "We will fix this. We're going home. Paul 'acted' he fell from the stairs and that he can't play anymore this tour." Ringo tells.

"But fans will probably want another Paul then..." I say still crying.

"I tell them we decided to go home." Ringo says. I nod quietly. he holds me close. "John is weak... He didn't wake up yet... I read in my book about vampires can heal people and things.. Can you  try...?" Ringo asks embaressed.

"I don't know..." I say crying. Ringo tries to dry my blood-tears.

"Just trying?" Ringo asks a little begging. I nod again.

And he drags me to John's room. John is laying there peaceful and weak. Eyes are closed and it seems like a deep sleep. I walk over and turn him on his side so I can see better where I've been biting him. I cry again. "How can I heal him..." I cry. as I see the big wound of 4 teeth holes and a bactery infection

Ringo shrugs. "Just try something random.." He answered.

I make fists and seem angry. "I DON'T KNOW THE FUCK HOW." I yell. Ringo makes a calm down move with his hands. I turn away from him. "Fuck you." I whisper.

"Calm down.. Calm down..." Ringo says. He probably notice what this all is doing to me.

"HOW THE FUCK WORKS HEALINF?! BITING AGAIN???" I shout, I can't control myself at all and run off, keeping Ringo behind with John. Ringo sighs and strokes John's cheek.

I run back in my room and hide, then cry. I hate it to be this much emotional which I am now.. I can't let anything go into me. It's like BANG an explosion of overreacting..

George Vampire HarrisonWhere stories live. Discover now