Chapter 38

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 My hands still stroke Paul’s cheek. I can’t believe what I see.. I’m healing his skin. The cracks to his bones are healing. His bleeding is stopping. But he doesn’t breathe. I can’t believe this.. I can’t.. I stop and look at my fingertips “Oh my..” I gasp.

John looks at me. Quiet but asking.

“Look at Paul..” I whisper.

John’s eyes widen when he looks at Paul.

I stroke his cheek again and heal it by my fingertip-running-touch.

“Geo.. how.. what..?” John is stunned, same as me. I can’t believe what I do. I heal Paul.

I let out a confused chuckle. “I can do good.” I say. I look up at John.

“Of course you can. Why did you think you couldn’t?” John says in his Lennon-voice.

“Because I kill..” I sound sad and quiet.

John pulls me against him. “We should go inside. You’re burning.” John says.

I nod. I totally forgot the pain of burn just because of Paul.

John gets up and pulls me up. I lost my strength by the sun but I still can heal Paul. My eyes just can’t believe to what my fingers are doing. I hold him in my arms and walk.

“Where are you going?” John asks when he walks to the other side.

“My house.” I say.

“Come.. to our house.” John replies a little confused.

I shake my head. “I don’t belong with normal people.”

“You do. Where got you that nonsense from?” John replies.

“Because I’m a danger of everybody.” I open my mouth and show him the fangs.

Surprisingly John does the same and I see his fangs.

“aren’t you afraid of hurting people?” I ask.

“No, because I know they need me. Like we need you.” John says.

I fall down, the sun is killing me.

John takes Paul from me and he pulls me up. “Come to our house.” John says and he just drags me to the well-known house.

Inside is Ringo sitting and sipping tea. He seems broken.

“Ringo.” John says.

Ringo doesn’t react.

I smell blood. The well-known super well tasting blood. It’s Ringo’s. “Rings.” I say.

Ringo looks up and his eyes widen when he sees me and Paul. After seconds of staring he breaks down.

I try to keep up on my feet but every second this becomes harder. I set my steps towards him. I try to hold on. I try not to fall. I need to comfort him.

John pulls me back and sits me in a chair. “You can’t, and you know you can’t.” He says to me. Handing me over Paul. “focus on the Macca.” He continues.

Bleeeb, sometimes I really hate it when John is like that but I know he is true. Instead of me. Is John walking to Ringo and while he walks am I stroking Paul’s head. Healing it with my touch. It’s still crazy..

John wraps his arms around Ringo and whispers comforting words in his ears. I watch, I don’t understand how he is doing this. but I like it. John is a sort of magic-comforter. He knows what to do and when. I look back down at Paul who I hold in my arms. Stroking my hands. The cracks in his skin are glittering and healing.

I’m magic.. I’m not a scary stupid person. I’m a person with magic tools. Fingertips that heal everybody and speed of light. No need of sleep or food. Just a bit of blood.

Paul opens his eyes after an hour of stroking. “You saved me.” He whispers with an cracking voice.

“I did..” my yaw drops. I did a talent that no-one else has. I healed someone who was meant to be dead forever and ever. I saved a life after the death.

“I knew we would get you back if someone was in danger.” He whispers to me.

“Y-you jumped because…” I start to feel angry, that he does so stupid thing just to get me back.

Paul nods. “We need you. Keep here. We help you. But you’re stronger than you think. You thought you couldn’t go outside in sunlight because burning. You were out. And yes you burned. But you kept outside, you didn’t feel the burns, did you?” Paul starts smiling.

I stare, stunned about everything. I realise that I can do more then everybody is telling me. Being a vampire hasn’t all negatives. It’s a magic thing to save lives of people. I can do more than anyone.

“Thank you.” I say to Paul. “I realise. I’ve some worth in this kind of life.” Those words are true. I’m serious. I can do so much more than I thought. I’m a hero and a bad boy. It’s a nice thing if you first go to the hard time. You can see the good points. And those points I’ve found now.

My name is George Harrison, and I am a vampire.

Autors note:
You know I hate saying those kind of notes. But I want to tell you, that this story is finished by now. I hope you liked it. George went through a hard time with the other lads, but now he can see there are positives. It was a fight of weeks. but every fight needs to have a winner.

In fairy tales always say "And they live long and happy" So is it with George, He lives long, pretty much because he can't die.. but also happy. He found what for useful thing he can do. He can safe the lives of people and animals.

George Vampire HarrisonWhere stories live. Discover now