Chapter 29

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- POV George Garrision -

 It's been two days ago since that girl called Cathy my helped..  Till I told her that I am a vampire.. She got crazy and terrified. Sadly I couldn't leave her  house at that moment because of the sun. The first night when I was there I decided to leave. I left a note for her saying. "I'm sorry I scared you that much. I've left. No worry. Kind regards, George"

This morning, the morning two days after I left the house of the girl. Can I enter my house.. I didn't know where I was past time. I just walked everywhere. I drank blood of a dead bird because I needed it. That was really the worst experience I've ever had in my life.

I open my door and look at the post. Nothing much but aside a newspaper and a quick note from Paul that he wants to know when I'm home. It's nothing. I go to the phone and call Paul's house. I wonder if he's home.

Luckily he's home and picks up. "George?" He asks immediately in desperate.

"I'm just home. I'm safe Paul. No worry..." I tell him.

"Have you seen the newspapers..." He says, in same desperate when he said 'George'

"Not yet... Why?" I reply. Confusing and worry appears in my mind.

"Someone has find out what's going on! Page7 left bit text!" Paul a almost yells through the phone.

I gasp and bend my arms to fists. I have to throw something because anger, so I do. I pull telephone from the wall and smash it to the ground with a loud shout filled with anger and hate. I can feel my body cooking and I grab the newspaper. Quickly go to page 7 like Paul told me. In the meantime I can feel my teeth go sharp and grow like my nails.

Very quickly I let my eyes flow over the lines of text.

“Girl claims she knows the biggest secret of world’s famous band!”

This text start like this. More anger is cooking. She GAVE me her words that she wouldn’t say anything about this! I rip the newspaper in pieces. “UUUUGGGGH” I yell loud. I’m done with life right now.

I go to the kitchen and get out a sharp knife. This is what I have to do. Stopping being a problem. Stopping to live. The guys can find another guitarist. I’m killing them anyway!

Although I know they would absolutely hate me to die.. I should. They can start their normal lives again. Can’t they?

I raise the knife and light reflexes and shines in my face. I bring it to my chest.

“STOOOP!” I hear a loud shout. I turn my head and it’s Paul. He is running over. He saw me through the window. He’s sprinting.

I stare at him. I can’t bring my eyes away. The knife keeps on the position it was.

Just in seconds Paul runs in and grabs the knife away.

I’m like stone.. I don’t do anything. I let him..

“WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!?” HE shouts. Angry and worried.

“Ending my life..” I whisper quiet.

“DON’T!” He shouts. He can just whisper.. his face is an inch away from mine. So why does he shout that loud!

I push him a little away with my hand. But he does a step closer. He’s mad..

“Don’t you dare doing that again!” He shouts. Less loud then the one before.

I shrug.

“GEORGE!” Paul says. He grabs my wrist and drags me outside. “Done. You’re going to my house. So I can look after you!”

I sigh. Paul has complete changed into a sort of father-figure. “And if I don’t want?” I whisper.

“You have no choice George.” Paul says. His head again just an inch away from mine. I can feel his angry breathing. Makes me think of a bull what’s ready to run through a red blanket..

“GEORGE LOOK AT ME.” Paul says. I didn’t even notice I wasn’t looking at his eyes… I looked at his nose. My eyes slowly goes up to his eyes. “Tonight. You sleep in my bed.” Paul says.

“What!? No.. And anyway I don’t sleep.” I say. I absolutely don’t want an angry-protective Paul next me sleeping.. who maybe might snore…

George Vampire HarrisonWhere stories live. Discover now