Chapter 3

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I'm sitting in my hotel room on the bed. When someone knocks on my door. I don't answer it.

"George? Are you in there?" Ringo's carefully voice is on the other side.

I think if I should reply. But the door opens. "Are you alright?" Ringo's voice asks again.

I don't reply and push my head up like it's heavy as a massive stone.

"Oh my, your eyes!" Ringo cries.

I sit still, looking at him or honesty more staring. He stares back terrifying. then he steps slowly toward me like I'm a monster. Which i am..

He sits on his knees on the floor right in front of me. He takes a handkerchief and cleans my eyes gentle like a parent.

I sob "I don't know what to do..." Are the only words which leaves my mouth.

Ringo susses me, and cradles me when he stopped cleaning my eyes. His neck is dangerously close to me  and I open my mouth. He must feel it cause he immediately goes back ways. His eyes widen and straight to me "You were going to bite me!" He yells.

I look down, I don't fight against him because it's true, even while i didn't mean to.

"Geo." He says. I look up at him. "Can you control this?" He asks. I think he probably means the bites and i shake my head. He signs "This is terrible. And how didn't I notice earlier something was wrong." He says, I hear him a little bit blaming and then i mumble "Because it's getting worse..."

His eyes stand terrified. "I don't want to be a vampire..." I cry. Ringo nods,, he wants to comfort me but he doesn't dare to take a risk on a bite.

I feel like my life has end. Which it honesty is.

"I will look for a book about vampires okay?" Ringo asks.

I nod slow and quiet.

"Keep strong George, please." Ringo says as he leaves.

George Vampire HarrisonDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora