Chapter 22

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 - POV George Harrison –

I don’t know what happened. All I remember was that girl. Her lovely taste of blood. And the way I couldn’t stop drinking. The terrible feel of having no control at all. I will never have control. I see Ringo’s blue eyes filled of scare and hate also guilt… For seconds I stare at his eyes. Nothing else around seem to move.. like a film playing in slow-motion. I try to scream but I can’t. No sound leave my mouth.

Ringo’s eyes fill with tears and anger. Still guilt through.

I strongly look at him. I hold the girl I just killed. I let out a sigh and let myself calm down. I make the door open which made all doctors shut out. I hand them the girl. I lay down on the ground and cry. I need to feel the cold floor under me. Showing everybody I didn’t want to. People stand around me. Speechless and still filled of sounds. Silence says sometimes so much more than words can describe. It breaks me. I cry. Tears of blood fall on the ground.

One of the doctors is filled up with hate. The girl I killed by drinking.. was his daughter.. I knew her well.. like the man.. He bend his wrists and pulls me up. I look at him with a guilt look. “I’m sorry… I know I can’t fix this.. ever..” I cry. He should see I’m guilty. But instead he hits me.

“STOP!” I hear a yell. It’s Ringo’s.

The man lets go of me and I fall on the ground. I’m bleeding. My eye.. not from crying but now from hitting. I lose sight and voices end up in a blur. I try to focus on something and see shoes… near my head. I try to pull up my head and strangely it succeeds.

“I take you home mate..” Ringo says.

I don’t understand he still cares about me.. I’ve just killed someone in front of his eyes… I feel two warm hands pulling me up by my ribs. I get carried outside. I close my eyes. And the sun burns my skin. I whisper painful. “Thank you…” I sigh a little and feel like the sun takes all the power away I just got..

“I had to.” Ringo replies. He carries me to his house. Which is further away than mine. “I’m sorry..” Ringo says.

I feel confused. “Why?” I reply whispering.

“You had never killed that girl if I didn’t give you my blood.. I thought you were never going to be strong after that little bit of blood.” Ringo says.

I whisper. “You wonder as much as I do..” I hold my eyes closed. Every step Ringo makes, makes me feel pain. Just cause the burning sun.

“I smell fire..” Ringo says surprised.

“It’s me…” I whisper.

I notice he’s running. Luckily for me gives it less sun.

I close my eyes and lose consciousness.

Hours later I wake up and Ringo sits near me. I feel ice on my skin, Ringo is treating me.

“You got fire burned by the sun…” he says guilty to me.

“It’s fine Rings… I had to leave there… It was too dangerous…” I reply.

Ringo nods. “I’m sorry it took so long.. I had trouble.. John is sick.. He couldn’t help… I couldn’t call Paul because yesterday it was late.. and today too early… I wish I could free you yesterday. Then this all wasn’t happened.” He says guilty.

“I would have taken you… I could have killed you… this was better…” I reply quietly. Guilt fills my body.

Ringo picks me up and brings me to the bathroom.

“I give you an bath.” He says. “A cold bath. It’s better for your wounds.” He continues as he sets me down on the toilet.

“Alright… but you don’t watch me being in bath.. or getting undressed. I’m serious…” I reply. I’m scared for people seeing my body. Even while Ringo is one of my best mates. He will never see me in less than underwear. Or even with trousers at least.

He nods. Understanding me and makes me a cold bath. “I wish I could help you…” He  says.

“I guess I should learn and live with this.” I reply. “You can’t help… Nobody actually can..” I follow and sigh. I wait patiently how Ringo runs me a bath. Weak caused by sunlight I stare. I feel like my life is over as well just begun.

Ringo finishes the bath and looks at me. “Call me if you need me. I keep around. I promise.” Ringo says and leaves the bathroom. He closes the door gently in the way he is and I undress myself. Putting my clothes on the ground and step into the cold bath which isn’t that cold what I expected. I bite my lip when the sunburns hits the water. Luckily Ringo didn’t make a bubble bath. That would have made this a lot more painful. It surprises me that a vampire can feel pain. On the other side it gives me hope that I’m not a vampire although I know I am. These stupid thoughts kept on in my mind and I wish they would ever disappear.

Eventually I lay down in the water and I think about killing myself out of all these trouble. I shake my head wild to get off the thought but still it comes back. “AAHUG” I yell out of frustration and almost before I know it Ringo is at the door.

“George?! You okay?!” He sounds worried and a little bit panicking.

“Yes. I’m – ” I shut my mouth. I just realized it would be very stupid to tell him about what’s going on with my thoughts right now.

“George?” Ringo continues worried.

“I’m fine.” I say after.

“Why did you yell..?” Ringo asks.

“Just a little frustration about the whole situation.” I reply. Which is partly true.

“Sure you’re alright?” Ringo asks.

I chuckle a little. I feel like he’s playing being my mum.  “Yes I’m fine.” I reply again.

“Okay..” Ringo replies and I hear him walking away. I sigh relieved and start to relax and got my mind away from the self-murder thoughts.

George Vampire HarrisonWhere stories live. Discover now