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soukoku angst bc i cant feel anything

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soukoku angst bc i cant feel anything. 

okay so idk if i need to add a tw for this but 

dazai tries to slip a laxative in chuuyas drink


dazai chuckled upon seeing his ex partner in the bar. what a coincidence that he would be here. dazai rummage around his pocket before pulling out what he hoped what a laxative. he smirked as he walked towards the vacant seat next to chuuya. he expected the smaller to be furious when he saw him ,but instead chuuya didnt look up from the drink he was swirling around in his hand.

he noticed the tear stains that littered chuuyas cheeks. chuuya looked to his left where dazai sat, "hey." instead of almost getting killed he was greeted, rather politely in fact. chuuya tapped the table as the bartender brought his anout glass of whatever he was drinking. "uh hi." chuuya didnt seem to realize it was dazai next to him. chuuya chuckled as he downed the drink. he snorted looking at dazai.

"dont be so stiff! cmon whats troubling you!" chuuya was always a loud drunk. he sighed as he ordered a quick drink from the bartender. "nothing much just someone i thought i knew is acting like a different person." he decided to act like some what of a stranger towards the smaller. "that sucks. theres this guy name dazai he was like that before he left me about four years ago." dazai nodded ignoring the guilt he felt.

"he sounds horrible." chuuya scoffed as he sipped his drink, "he was. always manipulating me into helping with his little schemes that god damn mackerel!" he watched the other wipe tears that had just fallen. " hes so damn heartless. he never think that using me to get what he needs makes me fucking mad and it feel like i mean absolutely nothing to him! we were partners for so long then just one day out of the blue he leaves!" 

dazai felt even more guilty sure he knew how mad chuuya was everytime he used him for his schemes but he wouldnt even consider it would hurt him this much. " did you ever tell him you felt that way?" chuuya shook his head ignoring the tears the pooled and the corners of his eyes while he almosted crushed the empty glass in his hand. "how could i, that bastard would laugh it off and call me a cry baby." dazai watched as the bartender removed the glass from chuuyas hand and replacing it wiht a full one. 

"he wasnt absolutely horrible though." chuuya sniffed as he sipped slowly at his drink. "he made me feel really special sometimes." chuuyas mind seemed to trail off. his voice was softer now but no one else seemed to be fazed at the sudden volume change. he looked around the bar, he had never come here but he needed a drink and this was the only option. he noticed the cracks on the walls and two broken chairs in the corner. ah so chuuya was a regular here.

"but how could he just leave me like that!" dazai placed a strategic hand on chuuyas back to stop him from using his ability. "i saw him to other day, i wanted  to scream and cry but at the same time tell him how much i love him." dazai hummed curiously, "and why didnt you?" chuuya scoffed, "he wouldve laughed. probably said something like 'oh the chibi likes me how sweet!' before going on about his big plan to escape of something." 

chuuya placed his head on the table, "why did it have to be him. he makes me so made. and he makes everything so goddamn difficult!" dazai took what seemed to be the last of his drink before setting it down, "he sound like he sucks. but im sure if you actually talked it out instead of jumping to conclusions you might find out he loves you too...chibi." he whispered the last part as to not give himself away. chuuya grunted " he'll just leave again." 

dazai frowned as he laced his fingers with chuuyas hair his voice was barely audible, "i wont leave ever again chibi...."

chuuya grumbled as he was handed a water which he chugged down. "you seem like you knwo him, can you make sure he gets home safe because im pretty sure he cause that 10 car car crash last week." dazai laughed ignoring the guilt that physically hurt in his chest. he helped chuuya up, the red head seemed to have no protests as he waved goodbye to everyone. "lets get you home" he heard loud giggles as he placed chuuya in the backseat of his car. 

"but you dont know where i live dummy." dazai hummed his playful facade seeming to fade away. as he drived he could hear chuuyas mood change dramatically, at first he was laughing hysterically, to soft sobs, then finally he was angry practically read to kill if anyone where to speak to him. "were here chibi." he knew chuuya was to tired to figure out it was him. he picked the other up and walked to his apartment door his extra key he had from years ago still in his pocket.

you could say it was out of habit. after placing chuuya on his bed he planned to stay on the couch so he couldnt talk with chuuya in the morning. he felt a slight tug on his jacket before he was faced with a more sober chuuya who looked like he was about to break any minute, "did you mean it?" dazai chuckled, "so you knew it was me..." he looked away before sitting on the bed, "say it, what do want to know if i meant?" 

the red head looked broken like he was about to snap any minute, "you said you wouldn't leave ever again! did you fucking mean it!?" dazai chuckled placing his forehead on chuuya's, "i did i meant every word i said. and im sorry, im sorry i treated you like that. i never knew it hurt you so much." he heard chuuya scoff, "dont say sappy shit like that!" he reached his hand to wipe his tears away, he didnt want to seem weak in front of chuuya.

"dont do that if im crying you better be crying to!" dazai laughed before he moved so he and chuuya were laying down. he felt the other move so that chuuya could tuck his neck in dazai's neck. 

the trust wasnt fully mended yet. chuuya still didnt know if the mackerel would even be there tomorrow.

but right now, they were together.

and for right now,

that was enough.

LOL CRYING  i am so sorry 

uh if i made you guys cry i would like to say

i am sorry. um guess who projected

themselves onto chuuya again!!!

also i didnt proof read so

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