( odazai ) cook book

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angst/ fluff bc i said so, uh its mostly j 

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angst/ fluff bc i said so, uh its mostly j 

dazai. atsushi will be here too. it's basically 

j implied odazai 🤷 but still its there 😔

dazai sat in his the middle of his apartment, a blanket wrapped around his head as he swayed side to side slightly. he was bored, and dazai being bored was never a good thing. he huffed as he stood up the blanket still wrapped around him. he stopped in front of the closte. said closet being where he kept the few belongs he still had from his port mafia days. 

he hummed as he pulled out a box labeled as 'odasaku :P' he smiled to himself as he shuffled to his kitchen table, he set the bow down before opening it. "hm i forgot these were in here." he picked up a picture of him, oda and chuuya from when they were forced to go grocery shopping for kyouyou. he smiled as he continued looking before he picked up a book.

he dusted it off when he noticed, it was a cooking book! he heard his stomach grumble as if it was telling him 'use it you waste of bandages!' he frowned realized he had imagined his stomach having the same personality as chuuya. he flipped through the book stopping on a dish that seemed simple enough. he stood up with and affirmative grunt before twriling around and landing on his face.

"ugh ouch." he groaned slightly as he sat up, just his luck. his head perked slightly as he heard a knock on his door. he let the blanket fall off his shoulders as he walked towards the door. "ah! hello atsushi!" he smiled as he peeked his head out of the door, "uh i heard something fall and i wanted to make sure you were okay..." his mouth formed an 'o' shape before he gave atsushi a closed eye smile, "why thank you! i was just about to make dinner! would you like to join me!?"

atsushi had a split look of panic before he shook his head, he'd rather not have his apartment complex burnt down today. he watched as dazai beamed before pushing the other in and showing him to cook book, "wow this seems really old..." dazai sighed softly and he opened his fridge, "thats because it was an old friends. he passed away some time ago and this is one of the few things i have left of him." atsushi gasped slightly.

"sorry for your loss..." dazai chuckled, "alas its time to make the food!" 

after dazai nearly burnt down the house and atsushi ended up locking dazai in a room so he could make food that was at least edible, they were now eating. "so um your friend.. uh what were they like?" dazai placed his fork in the bowl before moving his hand to his chin, "he was very kind. he uh was the one who convinced me to leave the mafia...."

"he also had a couple of orphans which he adopted and uh, he was just an amazing fellow all around." he watched as dazai's eyes got glossy. "he sounds amazing." dazai nodded, "he was. he was an amazing fellow atsushi. ah look at the time! we have work tomorrow and-" atsushi looked at him confused, "are you okay dazai?" he nodded slightly.

"i dont know if this helps but uh you can talk to me you know?" he heard a sigh before dazai sat back down, "he actually died in my arms and uh he risked everything and i know it wasnt just for me but it felt like it was and i just dont wanna disappoint him.. its not that big of a deal." it did feel so good to get it off his chest. atsushi only smiled, "i think he would be proud of how far you've come dazai. and im not just saying this just because."

"im saying it because you were the one who saved me on the brink of starvation and you gave me a home. and if thats not something to be proud of then i dont know what is." atsushi panicked as dazais head dropped, "AH IM SORRY I DIDNT MEAN TO-" 

his head lifted showing the tears that had begun to run down his face, "thank you atsushi." he smiled, a warm smile that was welcoming and seemed truly happy. it was just like oda's smile. 

cant stop crying so have this

uh sskk fluff coming next bc 

it all hurts to much lol 😫

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