( ranpoe ) gutter .

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this is very much inspired by all the 

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this is very much inspired by all the 

poe death theories and by his actual death.

TW: drugs, alcohol, and basically edgar 

allen poes death so if there is anything in 

that case that triggers you, please be careful 

when reading this!

he had a job. the police called him in because of a new case. this was nothing new. it was just like normal. all he had to do was solve the case and go. he arrived at the M.E the gross smell filling up his nose. "alright ranpo, the victim should be in that room. go ahead and go in i have to make a call." he nodded towards kunikida before entering the room.

he pushed the door open and looked around. there was a body covered with a cloth in front of him, it mustve been the victim. a woman with short blonde hair moved next to him. "you must be mr. edogawa!" he nodded as she began to move the cloth on the body, he still couldnt see. he moved over to get a better look.

it felt like time had stopped. the papers he had been carrying fell to the floor and his knees gave out, "ranpo?!" kunikida came into the room confused why ranpo was on the ground shaking and the women was freaking out. he moved next to him stopping when he saw the body on the table. it couldn't be.... but it was. laying on the table was edgar allen poe.

"president i believe we should take ranpo off the case, its too personal." he shook his head as he looked over to ranpo who has passed out on the couch, probably overwhelmed from the whole situation. "he knows him better than anyone else. if he cant solve this case then no one can." kunikida nodded as he moved to leave the room stopping when he almost ran into someone.

"hello fitzgerald." the blond smiled sadly, "im sure you have been informed about poe's recent, uh..." he shook his head as a way of saying 'you dont have to say it.' he looked towards ranpo who had shifted slightly and was now almost falling off the couch. "how did he take it?" fukuzawa shrugged slightly. "he passed out at the M.E and kunikida had to bring him back."

he nodded before he made an 'oo!' sound. "poe specified if anything were to happen to him to give karl to ranpo, and i wanted to respect his wish so..." he showed one of those bags you use to carry puppies in. "here he is!" he unzipped it slightly so karl could get out. after a quick assessment of his surroundings he moved over to the sleeping boy. 

" thank you. i assure you the case is in good hands." and with that he left. ranpo sat up groggily and looked towards him. "how are you?" the question was simple but he still couldn't answer scared that if he were to talk he would break down. "its going to be okay ranpo." he nodded as he looked away huffing slightly. he would find out who did this.

ranpo's head shot around and him and dazai entered the bar. "ah! dazai!" the bartender called out towards him. "hi eddie, sadly im not here for a drink im actually here to ask if youve seen this man." a picture of poe. the guy squinted before nodding. "yeah he was here with a friend he was weird though." ranpo perked up, "what about him was weird." he pushed dazai out of the way.

"he wasn't actually drinking any alcohol only water he said something about getting sick." ranpo nodded, "what did the friend look like?" he groaned looking away, "well he came in like and hour after that guy and to be honest with you... i was kinda faded." he sighed. there goes that. he began to walk outside the bar karl following him. 

he looked over the the ditch that was near the entrance. "this is where he was found. but i dint see anything." he huffed slightly bringing his hand up to wipe the tears that had formed. "why haven't i solved it already?!" he fell back onto his bottom. "im the worlds greatest detective and i cant even solve this case for poe!" he sighed softly as a hand was placed on his shoulder.

"the police claimed the autopsy reports and such were stolen. none of us got the chance to look at them and they've stopped cooperating." why now? why all of a sudden when he loses someone so important to him does everything start to go downhill. "what why?! i'll go down there and make them cooperate!"

"stop it ranpo. the president wants us back at the office." he nodded before he bent down to pick karl up. 

"ranpo. i want you to go home-" 

"no! im gonna solve this case! just like the other ones because this one is no different! i am the greatest detective there is! i dont care who the victim is i will solve it. because if poe was still here he'd want me to... he'd want me to solve every case that comes my way because those people deserve it." 

his voice was quiet near the end. all you could hear now were his soft breaths. "please. go home. we'll work on it and you can come back tomorrow but for now you need rest." he shook his head he didnt want to argue anymore. he was tired. 

his hands clenched the newspaper. 'foreign drug addict found dead in a dead in a ditch' that was wrong. poe wasnt a drug addict, ranpo was sure that if anyone were to even offer him some he would freak out and decline immediately. 'its true i knew poe almost all of my life and he wasnt in control of his drinking habits. i tried to help but it didnt work. i hope he's in a better place now.'

who the hell had they even interview? poe didnt know anyone besides the agency in tokyo. he threw the newspaper across the room and pulled the blanket over his head. "no more. let me wake up. let me wake up and see poe again..." there was a pool of warmth by his stomach as karl crawled into the blanket with him.

"please. i just want to see poe again." 

it had been six months. no leads. and ranpo was completely stumped. his desk was cluttered with case files. all of them had some connection to poe. his sweet basket he usually kept by his desk was overfilled, they were all gifts from the other agency members but he never ate any. karl was always curled up next to him. 

the one case the great detective, ranpo edogawa could not solve, was the death of his lover.

this sucked so bad. i fell asleep 

half way through and then i lost

all motivation 🤷‍♂️ 


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