The Abuse

791 34 9

Warning -
Chapter contains
Attempted Murder

Bakugou's Pov:

The only thing on my mind was to whoever was at the door. Why was I worried about who was at the door? No idea. I decided to try and head up to my room but before I even moved I saw mother had come back. When I saw she came back I noticed  she had a knife with her.

I start backing away till I was corned. I started to tremble from fear. I was letting out light whimpers. That was until I saw to red heads in the window behind my mom. My eyes widened when I saw my classmates at my house.

They followed me! Oh no! I got to stop her! Why did they follow me?! I told Kirishima not to! I don't want them to see this side of me! I don't want them to see how helpless I am!

"Mom, I'm so sorry for disob-" I try to apologize but before I could finish she cut me off by she stabbed my side which caused me to yelp. "M-Mom stop!" I cried out while tears formed in my eyes. She pulls the knife out an I drop to my knees while wincing in pain as I held my hand over the stab wound.

"Stand up! I'm not done with you!" She screams at me before forcing me back up on my feet.

She goes to stab me again but I used my knee to knock the knife out of her hand but she just slaps my cheek hard which was probably pink already. My mom knees me in the gut before tugging at my ear and hair.

"Ow Ow OW! MOM! STOP HURTING ME!" I scream but she just yells at me.

"STOP BEING A BABY!! STOP BEING SO WEAK AND USELESS!" Is what she yelled before scratching my arm. I bite my lip as blood starts to trickle down my arm before some droplets hit the floor.

She was about to attack me again but our door bust open. I didn't have the strength to stand anymore so I allowed myself to slide down against the wall till I was sitting in the corner.

My mom had froze and I shift my gaze over to the door but I wasn't able to see who came to my rescue. I was starting to get lightheaded, my vision started to go fuzzy, and I could feel blood trickling down from so many cuts.

The next thing I know is everything is all wonky. The sounds around me were all muffled, my sight was all fuzzy, and I didn't notice anyone was close to me till I was pulled into someone's lap.

Was I finally dying?

End Of Chapter

Word Count: 465

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