Worrying about Bakugou

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Kirishima's Pov: 

I was holding Bakugou in my arms as I sat on the ground. The way he looked pained my heart, Bakugou looked so lifeless, if I hadn't checked for a pulse I would've assumed he was dead. What exactly happened? Why is Bakugou always being targeted?! Seeing Bakugou always being targeted scares me, if we weren't fast enough we might've lost Bakugou all together! I don't know what I'd do without Bakugou...He's my best bro after all...

After a few minutes of silence Todoroki finally returned to the bedroom. When I spotted Todoroki I noticed Mr. Aizawa was now awake and upstairs thanks to Todoroki's help I'm assuming. Present Mic wasn't behind them so I assumed he was still not awake.

"How's Bakugou?" Was the first thing Mr. Aizawa asked while making his way over to both me and Bakugou.

"He's still asleep.." I mumbled while looking up at my teacher.

"Should we call 911 Mr. Aizawa?" Todoroki asked from the doorway.

"We should but we aren't going to, not yet at least since I don't want people asking why Bakugou is staying at my place and not his own house. I made sure the police aren't going public with the information about Bakugou's mom being arrested for Bakugou's sake." Mr. Aizawa told us.

"W-what are we going to do right now?" I asked while looking back down at Bakugou.

"Well, since it's really late you guys can either stay the night here and keep an eye on Bakugou while I take care of Mic,  or you guys can spend the night on the couch. It's your choice." Mr. Aizawa told us. "Thank you for getting over here in such a hurry, goodnight you two." Is what Mr. Aizawa said before exiting the room and heading in the direction of Mic.

 Once Mr. Aizawa was gone, Todoroki walked over to me and Bakugou before sitting down across from me on the floor.

"Before you ask, I wanna stay here with Bakugou, I wanna make sure the rest of the night he is safe." I told Todoroki who was apparently wanting to do the same. "So we're both gonna stay here with Bakugou. Lets get Bakugou in the bed before getting ourselves situated." I told Todoroki.

"Alright, I'll pull back the covers so you can place him on the bed." Todoroki says before getting back up and pulling the sheets back so it would be easier for me to put Bakugou to bed.After Todoroki pulled the sheets back I stood up, Bakugou still in my arms until I laid him down on the bed. Once my arms were removed from the blond Todoroki pulled the sheets over Bakugou, making sure he was warm.

"Now it's our turn to fall asleep." Todoroki said and I agreed with him. We both decided to sit on the floor against the bed just in case we needed to get up fast. We didn't fall asleep that fast, it took us both some time since we both had things on our mind. I didn't ask him about his thoughts and he didn't ask about mine which was nice. I glance back at Bakugou one more time before finally allowing myself to doze off.

End Of Chapter:

Word Count: 533 

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