The Bakugou in need

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Bakugou's Pov:

I felt so weak and sore as I was pulled into someone's lap, I wanted to know who came to my rescue so I forced myself to stay awake. I whince a bit when the person holding me was starting to cradle me.

I tilt my head up to see who was holding me because I heard sniffling.  I forced my gaze landed on the person holding me, that's when everything came back to focus. The fuzziness to my sight was gone and I  was staring at Todoroki's worried expression. I notice he wasn't the one crying so I looked to over to who was sitting next to Todoroki and that's when I saw Kirishima trying not to bawl his eyes out. He's trying so hard no to cry? Why is he crying over me?

I then shift my eyes towards my mother to see my Mr. Aizawa holding her by the throat an he was totally pissed off. Why is everyone so upset and worried about me...I don't deserve their attention...

I shift my gaze back to Todoroki when he asked. "How long?" He now looked mad but concerned as he asks "How long has she been hurting you?" I just look down at my battered an broken body without saying anything for a few seconds.

When I finally got the courage to speak I said. " idiots..." I started tearing up myself as I forced myself to continue. "Y-You better keep your trap shut..." I tell them.

"We won't say anything Bakugou.." The spikey haired idiot said.

"I'll stay quiet as well." Todorooki said while keeping me close. I was starting to feel weak again as I rested my head on Todoroki's chest. I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore so I allowed them to shut. After a few seconds of having my eyes shut I passed out.

Todoroki's Pov:

Me and Kirishima looked at eachother with worry written on our face before chasing after Bakugou, but we ended up losing him. How fast is he?!

I look over at Kirishima hoping he knew where to go but he was on the phone an puts it on speaker for me. After the 2nd ring the phone was answered.

"Hi Kirishima! What's up?" Midoriya? Why call him?

"Hey you live close to Bakubro right?" I don't know how I forgot about that.

"Yea, why? Is something wrong?"

"He left his school bag at school and we wanna bring it to him. Can you give me his address." I give Kiri a tbimbs up an he smiled lightly till it faded.

"Hey Kirishima, you said 'we' who else is with you?"

"Thats not important."

"Okay. Well he lives on '*****' street. His mom should be home so look for a white mail box next to a grey jeep.

"'Okay! thank you so much!" He smiles big at me.

"Thank you Midoriya." I say before Kirishima hung up an then we started running again.

When we reach Bakugou'a house I knocked on the door. We hear a lot of shuffling until his mom opened the door. "Hi, How may I help you?" She asks and Kirishima jumps in.

"Is Bakugou home?"

"No sorry, he hasn't arrived yet." That's weird. He was in such a rush to get home too.

"Uh...Okay, I'm sorry we wasted your time."

She closed the door and Kirishima turned to me and asked. "Did you see his bag? It was lying on the floor completely messed up?" I shake my head.

"No, but I did see blood on her nails." Kirishima looked worried an ran to a window that was on the house's side. I followed close behind and looked inside and we just stared at a badly hurt Bakugou who wasn't even standing up straight, it looked like he was leaning on one side to keep most of his weight off his other side. On his face we could see brand new scratches that were too big to be a cat's. I noticed on his face was a scared look.

When I saw how scared he was I felt so bad...

I quickly get into action and pulled out my phone so I could call someone but Kirishima makes me look back inside. I could tell Kirishima was worried for his friend. We both were very worried. When I looked back inside I saw his mother start walking over to Bakugou with a knife in her hand. We watch as Bakugou backs away, completely terrified.

I quickly start dialing Mr.Aizawa's phone number. It takes takes 3 calls for him to answer. In the background I could also hear Mic.

I could hear Mr. Aizawa sit up on what sounded like a bed which before speaking. "What do you want problem child?" He asks with a cold tone.

"It's Bakugou sir..." I tell him and his tone quickly flipped to worry as he asks.

"What's wrong? Is he okay? Tell me he's not hurt."

"I wouldn't say Bakugou is okay.." Before I could continue I heard a scream coming from the house so I looked back inside to see Bakugou had been stabbed in the side. I literally drop my phone which hangs up on Mr. Aizawa. Both me and Kirishima watched in horror till we heard something that was really loud. It sounded like someone speeding.

I quickly headed to the front to see Mr. Aizawa getting out of his car fast. "Where's Bakugou?" He asked and I point at the house. After that we all hear a really loud 'smack' sound before Mr. Aizawa acted and kicked lthe door off the hinges.

I watch as Mr. Aizawa entered the house. Me and Kirishima follow an rushed over to Bakugou who was sitting on the floor in the corner. We could see how badly hurt he was. I felt so bad, no one deserves to look like this.

I noticed Bakugou looked ready to pass out so I quickly sat down before pulling the blond into my lap. I hold him close while putting my hand over his stab wound to keep pressure on it.

After we promised to stay quiet, I was about to ask Bakugou more questions but then he passed out which made me panic a bit.

End Of Chapter:

Word Count: 1055

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