All Eyes On Me

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Bakugou's Pov:

I was sleeping soundly in my new bed. I was having an amazing dream but out of nowhere, I felt someone start to rub circles on my back. A little after, my alarm started going off so I opened my eyes then looked back to see Mr. Aizawa was sitting on the bed next to me. He was changed and probably ready to go to school.

"Are you sure you wanna go to school today?" He asked but I just sat up before nodding.

"I'll be okay." I tried to reassure Mr. Aizawa as I rubbed my eyes, in an attempt to get rid of my tiredness. Mr. Aizawa looked at me before finally nodding. 

I waited for Mr. Aizawa to leave before finally stepping out of bed. As I walked past my door to my dresser I heard another door open so I peaked into the hallway to see Shinsou all ready to go as well. When he passed my door he noticed me, he waved to me right before heading downstairs.

After finally getting dressed I went to the bathroom to do my business and brush my teeth. Once done I headed back to my room for my bag. After throwing it over my shoulders I headed downstairs. I was used to going straight to school without breakfast so I headed to the door but instead of making it, I was dragged backwards towards the kitchen table. I looked back, confused on why I was being dragged, especially by Present Mic.

"I-I'm not hungry." I tried to explain but Mic didn't believe me.

"Sorry Bakugou, I made a beautiful breakfast for us to eat together." Mic said, proud of his cooking. I mean, his cooking wasn't bad, last night's dinner was great, I'm just not used to eating 3 meals a day, usually it was 1 or none.

"Thanks." I said before accepting a plate that was basically filled all the way to the edges. I chuckled a little nervously because I didn't want Mic to feel offended if I don't finish everything.
After finishing my plate I felt really full, Mic did a really good job on breakfast today. 

I got up and took my dishes over to the sink before cleaning it. I didn't want them to make me meals and clean my dirty plates, I'd feel bad if that happened.
I tried to leave again but was stopped a second time, this time I was stopped by Shinsou.

"Hey, I know we aren't exactly close but I wanted to see if you'd be interested in walking to school together?" 

"I mean, I can't stop you but I also won't mind." I answered Shinsou as a small smile formed on Shinsou's face. I open the front door and left with Shinsou behind me.

After walking for a good 5 minutes, I started to get a little uncomfortable because we were both silent and he was just walking behind me. I decided to turn my head back enough so I could see him.

"You could always walk besides me, I know it seems like I bite but I really don't." I attempted to make a joke. After hearing what I said, Shinsou moved so he was beside me, making me feel a lot better.

"By the way, something seems different about you..." Shinsou started saying.

"Hm? How So?" I asked inreturn. 

"Well, now that you don't have that 'mask' on, you are quite soft in my opinion."  Shinsou explained.

"Well, I just don't have enough energy to be mad, it is 6:40 in the morning." Shinsou nods to my reply. 
After that small conversation he started talking about Denki, being his best friend and how nice the short blond was towards him. I ended up looking over at Shinsou, to see what his expression was but as soon as I looked at Shinsou, he looked away from me. That's when it hit me. 
I chuckled a bit and he finally looked back at me.

"What? What's so funny?"

"Just ask him out already." I watched as Shinsou being red flustered mess.

"W-What?! I can't do that!" Shinsou exclaimed. I stopped walking and faced Shinsou.

"What do you mean, 'you can't'" I asked while crossing my arms. 

"Can't do what?"  I heard someone repeat so I looked back and Pinky was the one who interrupted us.

"Go away Pinky, this doesn't involve you." I retorted but Mina being Mina, she didn't listen.

"So who were you telling Shinsou to ask out?" She asked with a confident smirk growing on her face. I sigh and turned so I was facing both of them, Pinky was waiting impatiently for an answer since she just loved gossip and drama like this.

"Are you gonna blabber about it to the others or are you gonna keep your trap shut?" I asked her and she just giggled before replying.

"Of course I can!"

"Eyes bags here likes Pikachu." I told her and she looked a little confused. "Shinsou wants to date Kaminari." I clarified and she looked excited as Shinsou just stood there, completely embarrassed that I figured him out.

"Oh my god! Of course he should! Shinsou and Kaminari are great pairing and ship!" Mina boasted.

"Ship?" Shinsou asked. 

I decided to let them keep talking, I knew Mina would be able to set him and Dunce face up on a date without any problems, she's called the expert for a reason. 
I finally reached the school and continued my journey to class. After reaching my destination I just stood outside the classroom. I was hesitating on opening the door. When I finally opened the door, all eyes flew to me.

I became nervous to the point I had to grasp my shoulder strap to keep my hands from shaking.  I headed over towards my desk and all eyes were still glued on me. After reaching my desk I slowly slipped by bag off because I was deep in thought.

Do they know..?  

I was about to sit down but instead, I slammed my hands down on to my desk, startling everyone in the room. I looked up from my desk and shot everyone a glare.

"Quit staring at me! If you have something to say, just say it!" I shouted then they all just turned away. I rolled my eyes cause I was now annoyed. I finally sat down and just pulled my phone and earbuds out before I pressed play on my music. 
I sat there comfortably listening to "How do you Love someone." 
Why? Because I never got any love and this song just relates to me.

End Of Chapter:
Word Count: 1086

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