V1E3: New Blood

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A week has passed since Anon first came into Beacon and today, the Beacon first years will finally arrive. Anon's phone blared a death metal riff at just the right volume to send someone flying off their bed in fright. From the cold hardwood floor, Anon groaned.

"Urgh. Wh-why the fuck do I keep doing this to myself again?"

He slowly brought himself to his feet before stretching with a yawn, His joints popping satisfyingly. He inhaled deeply then exhaled.

"It's been a week and I'm still amazed by how clean the air is." 

He walked to his room's window and opened it, aerating his room. He leaned on the frame.

"Time to get ready."

His morning routine was nothing to write home about. Shit, shower, shave. Usually, he'd make himself breakfast but since he doesn't have a kitchen in his room, he'll have to wait until breakfast at 7:30. he checked his scroll, 7:15.

"When did the student arrive again?" He told himself as he brushed his teeth. "8, maybe 9 o'clock? I have loads of time."

He spat into the sink and let the water clean it out. He looked himself into the mirror, the bags under his eyes lightened slightly but remained noticeable. He traced his finger over his bags before pulling them down gently to check his bloodshot.

"Not much today. Good." He smirked. "Can't have Bun-bun be a worry worth again, now do I?"

 The reflection of his hollow eyes stared back.

"Alright. Show time's going to start soon. Better get ready."

The door to the bathroom swung open, revealing a naked Anon framed by billowing steam. No point in wearing his uniform since classes start the day after initiation. He wore the same outfit that he first came into Remnant with. A simple grey zip-up hoodie, a blue t-shirt, black pants and gray running shoes. He rubbed his left wrist. His fingers ran across a worn, handmade bracelet like countless times before.

"It's still there."

On his nightstand rested three rings and a corded necklace. The smallest of the rings was made of gold with a ruby as the centre piece. The gold frame was tarnished and the ruby was cracked. The other two rings were made of iron that was cold forged into signets. Each held a bloodstone with the smaller one depicting a proud lioness laying with her cubs, while the other depicted a wounded bird of prey. Anon rubbed the lioness signet, cleaning it of any grime. He slipped the smaller signet on his left pinky and the raptor on his left middle finger. He stared emptily at the gold ring before slipping it on his right ring finger. He eyed the necklace, its cords hanging over the edge of the nightstand. He held the pendant and rubbed it lightly. The stone shined like the cosmos, with white stars and milky stripes peppering the pinks, purples, blues and black background. He shook his head and put it back on the nightstand.

He locked the door behind him as he left with a simple press on his scroll. He whistled as he walked out of the dorm with his hands behind his head. The halls of the dorm buildings were slightly alive with activity. Though if he were to guess, they will become far livelier once the first years settle in. From what Anon has learned from Glynda, most third and fourth years leave the dorm building altogether to stay at Huntsman stables or personal apartments. Not that they stay there long, as they are almost always on training missions, the fourth years especially. 

"I can't wait for this place to be inundated with teenagers." He drew out sarcastically.

"Gee, someone's anti-social."

The hand that shamelessly fondled his buttocks left very little to the imagination as to who this was. He didn't bother turning back or stopping the groping.

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