V2E11: Ballroom Blitz

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The Vytal Dance, an event that happens once every year to herald the coming of the VytalFest. This year it was Beacon's turn to host and they did not disappoint. The massive amphitheatre had been tastefully decorated in an interesting aesthetic fusion of classical Ballroom Soiré and Discoteca. Fancy dress, doilies, fine tablecloths, streamers, massive bowel ratling subwoofers, fog machines...

It was a mess, but a fun and unique one. No one's complaining and the pretentious fops are too busy smelling their own farts and pretending that they're smart to realize the clash of aesthetics, even if still well executed.

Yang was stunning. Well, more than usual. Her golden yellow dress with white accents gave the usually quite tomboyish girl a mature and womanly aura. Her hair looked softer than soft, thanks to a special hair treatment that she got from Weiss. Yang smiled brightly as she welcomed her friend over at Team JNPR. Jaune and Pyrrha stood shyly next to one another as Nora hung from Ren's arm.

Jaune was wearing a pretty casual suit, open white jacket, black shirt with an orange tie and typical dark blue slacks. Nora wore a cute pink and white short dress with a heart on her bust. Pyrrha wore a red and bronze toga-style dress with lots of jewelry. Finally, Ren wore white slacks, a black shirt with an earthy tie and a green waistcoat with a pink handkerchief.

"Glad you guys could make it!" She welcomed them gladly. "You seemed really busy lately, especially you two."

She pointed with two fingers over at Ren and Jaune. The pair scratched the back of their heads.

"Yeah, you have!" Nora pouted. "It's cutting into our alone time..."

Ren gulped loudly and Jaune laughed awkwardly.

"Yeah, Anon kind of sprung on us with an act he wanted us to do for the dance," Jaune admitted.

Yang leaned in, curious and interested at what her best bud's secret plan was.

"Do tell," she smirked confidently. "C'mon~ I won't laugh!"

Ren shook his head.

"No can do." his tone was definitive. "He told us to keep it a surprise. or..."

The two guys shuddered fearfully as the phantom of a cruel Anon laughing hung above them.

"I don't want to think about it." The guys said in unison.

The girls blinked. Whatever Anon had planned, he really wanted it to be a secret. Yang let them go just as Nora dragged Ren away to the dance floor. Jaune and Pyrrha looked at one other before the yellow squire finally manned up and asked her if she wanted to dance. She smiled shakily before jumping on the occasion. Yang grinned and took a few pictures of the JNPR double couple.

"Anon's gonna love~ this."

She snapped to attention as a squeak of distress and annoyance reached her ears. Ruby stumbled out of the entrance, damning whoever invented high heels. Yang held the sides of her face with a goofy smile.

"Oh my god!" she gushed. "You're gorgeous, sweety!"

Ruby groaned distressfully as she tried to keep her balance.

"Can we have a serious talk about how Weiss fights in these?" She complained. "Because this is hell!"

Yang rested her elbow on her little podium and rested her head on her closed fist, smirking.

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