V2E6: Mob Mentality

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Downtown Vale, or BadTown as it was colloquially called, wasn't what Hope had expected. It was filthy and dilapidated, sure, but it certainly wasn't as bad as the nickname entailed. Although that may be because of his own experience, having been in one of the worst metropolises in the entirety of the Americas. Maybe it's because of that that this objectively terrible place doesn't seem too bad in comparison.

Hope parked the bike in an alleyway and waited for everyone to get off the vehicle to do the same. He removed his helmet and took a big whiff of the stagnant but not rancid air.

"Ahhhhh, Reminds me of home." He commented. "Could use a few more hustlers and prostitutes though... And the Grandchildren of Cain..."

He shivered.

"At least all I have to deal with here are Grimms and the occasional gangster instead of those assholes."

Yang and Neptune gave him a confused side-glance.

"The heck is he talking about?" Neptune whispered, leaning into Yang's ear.

"I have no idea." He whispered back. "But it sounds weirder than that time he said he was an alien."

"Wait, what?"

Anon stared with disdain at the big neon sign, a gaudy piece of work depicting a dragon holding mahjong pieces that bore its name shamelessly: The Mah-Xiong.

"Did this son of a bitch name his nightclub after himself and made a fucking pun out of it?!"

Yang snorted.

"I think he did a good job."

He rolled his eyes.

"Time and place, Yang."

"Night and Club, Anon." Yang grinned

Anon blinked and swallowed down his urge to strangle her blue.

"I'm going to make you pay for that one someday."

"Someday." She put her hands on the door. "Now come on, my 'friend' is right this way."

Neptune was about to walk behind her but Anon kept him out of the way.

"Hold it for a sec, this is gonna get warm."

"Uh, ok?"

Yang tried to open the door but it was obviously held shut. She smiled.

"Well, I guess my exiting strategy could work in reverse!"

She wound back her arm before delivering a fiery strike that blew the door off its hinges and sent a few henchmen flying back. Yang posed with her hands to the side nonchalantly.

"Sup, boys! Guess who's back?"

A dozen of guns were levelled at her as the Dj took cover under his booth. The music turned into a distorted mess for the sudden retreat of the bear-headed DeadMau5 rip-off. Yang glared at the booth long enough for the DJ to get the message and take the needle off the record.

Neptune popped his head out with a worried glance while Anon just strolled by Yang.

"When you said you wanted to bring me clubbing, this wasn't what I had in mind," Anon commented.

Hei "Junior" Xiong stomped over into view in a huff. He cut through the small crowd of goons to see who's messed up his doors. Again.

"Stop, stop! Nobody shoots!" He ordered, grinding his teeth at the sight of Yang. "Blondie, you're here! Why?"

Anon took centre stage, pushing Yang behind him.

"I'll deal with this."

"You sure?" She asked, trying to not appear worried.

An Anon's Journey: Remnant Act 1Where stories live. Discover now