V1E4: Baptism by Gunfire

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Anon had woken up early, even though he didn't have to. But, he promised Velvet that he would get an actual breakfast this time. The sun was slowly rising from the horizon.

"Fuck..." He squinted at the rising sun. "Last time I saw the sunrise, I hadn't slept for three days in a row."

He got ready and left his dorm room. The dorm halls were as quiet as could be with not a soul in sight.

"The things I do for people," He mumbled through a stifled yawn. "A promise is a promise, I guess."

The mess hall, unlike yesterday, was mostly empty. Though this is most likely because of the hour rather than the day. Anon, like a true britbong, picked a full English breakfast. Unlike a true britbong however, he picked the beans in brown sauce rather than the tomato sauce. Though calling it "Full" might be a misnomer, seeing as how small the portion actually is. He went to his usual seat at CVFY's table. Before he could dig in, a tray rested itself in front of him. 

"Blake," He said, recognizing her wrist accessories and the smell of fish from her tray.

"Anon," She replied flatly.

He exhaled as he rested his fork down.

"Judging by your tone, I guess you're not here for a pleasant early morning chat."

"I want answers."

He rolled his eyes.

Of course, you do.

"Apart from how I know about your situation, What do you want to know?"

"Why not?" Her aggressive tone left little for Anon to work with.

"Listen, if you're just going to harass me over this stuff, let's just end the conversation there. I'm not interested in being hounded and cornered like an animal."

Blake glared harshly at Anon.

"Tell me why and I'll consider."

"Like you, I have... Circumstances. I just... I can't tell you. Not yet."

Blake kept her glare, but seeing as he didn't budge under it, she relented.

"Fine. I'll take what I can get."

Anon took a swig of his coffee.

"Ahhh. Ok then, what do you want to know?"

"Who are you? And what's your relation with Ozpin?"

"Anon Hope, college graduate, burned-out ex-office worker and general fuck-up. As for Oz..." He took a bite out of his food. "Let's just say my big mouth forced me into his hand."


"I 'Knew' some things and let it slipped. Then the fucker cornered me into signing a fucking registration form."

"How did you meet him?"

Anon pulled out his scroll and showed her a news article from a week ago.

"A robbery?"

"Roman Torchwick, Criminal ring-leader and all-around prick decided to flex his mob boss muscles and shake an old man down for his Dust."

"And you came in to stop him?"

Anon snorted.

"Fuck no! I'd get killed! Remember Ruby from yesterday? She's the one who kicked him to the curb ass first."

"I see."

"I was just accessory to her ass-kicking. All I did was help the old shopkeep out of danger."

An Anon's Journey: Remnant Act 1Where stories live. Discover now