Extra: Cutting Room Floor

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This is a collection of unfinished/reworked segments from the main story that I didn't throw out.



"I've seen the world under siege by blight."

A hospital filled to the brim with the ill, some showed little signs of illness, forced to quarantine. others lay dead or dying on their hospital beds. Graves were dug, some marked, others were simple ditches.

"Both literal and metaphorical."

Menand women wearing all black swarmed the streets, their faces veiled by hoods and masks, the only identifying marks were red armbands. the armbands bore different symbols based on the person. A hammer and sickle, a red star, the first letter of the alphabet, a crooked cross, an eagle holding a bundle of sticks. All hid behind masks, but it was clear what they wanted.

"I've seen those who meant well-being turned into scapegoats."

Menand women, who wore normal clothes, bore peace signs and crying for justice and for their misery to end were trampled by the boots of the black-clad mob.

"I've seen people who didn't deserve to suffer being victimized by the worst that humanity had to offer."

A scared mother held her child closely in an alley amid the chaotic streets, men and women wearing hoods and red armbands rampaged in the streets as other men and women in riot gear held them back. Atop the buildings, the powerful and the untouchable stared emptily at the mass of ant-sized people trying to destroy everything they see. They shake their heads at the futility.

"I've seen parts of the city I lived in being burned to the ground."

An inferno where once stood a store, a family cried as they lost everything.

"I've seen the past being used as an excuse to destroy the present."

Old statues were being pelted with bottles and pulled down with ropes as a building was being vandalized, its masonry defaced and its windows destroyed. The statue crashed down, falling on top of someone.

"I've seen... God." he opened his eyes.

The light turned a blinding white and all sounds stopped, replaced by a booming voice.

"I've heard him. and he said-"

You are all Unworthy. You were all Mistakes. You have all betrayed my Vision. You have failed my Design, my plan for your Greatness. I wash My hands of Thee, I wash My hands of Humanity.

He closed his mouth, his eyes staring into the void.

"Things that were... Less than good."

Gunfire.Ropes. A quick drop and a sudden stop. Baleful screams. The mad and the repentant fighting and dying amongst themselves and the innocent.

"I've seen the darkness in humanity... and it was repugnant."

(A/N: This was the original dialogue meant to come at the end of V2E1 between Hope and Blake. Cut because I don't want Hope to come across as too negative towards Mankind. That and it was a bit awkward to write in due to a mix of length and position at the end of the chapter.)


The sound of rushing wind, a shout and a yell. Those are the things that Hope was used to hearing. He knew better than to judge those who shouted at him, after all, he was the one who pushed them out of his way. But seeing as they were fat and robust dockworkers, really, it was their fault for not standing their ground. He smirked like a prick as he eyed a chain-linked fence. The sound of running shoes was getting closer by the second and he dared a look. Three boys around his age were chasing him, looking furious. The leading one had a bad bruise on his forehead.

An Anon's Journey: Remnant Act 1Where stories live. Discover now