V1E7: He, Worthy

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Bile and blood mixed in Anon's mouth before spraying into the floor. He coughed as his knees hit the floor, clutching his stomach.  He looked up, the same sneering smile looking back at him day after day. Cardin chuckled alongside the other members of his team, minus Russel. He winced as Anon was brought into a prone, Cardin's heel grinding Anon's face into his own bile.

"So easy." Cardin mocked. "I'm starting to feel like you're just a masochist at this point!"

Anon groaned, more out of annoyance rather than anger or even disgust.

"Of course it's easy for you, you bitch! It's four on one!"

"Well, what'd you expect? It's Team CRDL, after all."


Cardin pensively rubbed his chin before grinning crookedly.

"Nah!" He said as he kept grinding his foot on his head.

Anon grabbed his ankle and pulled it forward. Cardin fell downward, his legs set into a split. His face scrunched in pain as lightning cracked around his head and his whole body turned white, hair and clothes included. The rest of his team winced and covered their eyes, sympathy pain coursing throughout the members of *RDL. Cardin fell to the side, curled up in a ball and holding his manhood. His team picked him up and rushed out of the changing room, probably toward the infirmary.

Anon struggled to get back to his feet, his side still aching from Cardin's blow.


He heaved himself back up, wiping his face with his hand in disgust. He groaned before looking into the bars of a locker.

"Coast's clear." He declared as he unlocked the locker.

The door cracked open, a pair of green cat-like eyes peering from the darkness. The door slowly opened, revealing a cat Faunus wearing the first-year uniform. Alongside the cat was Jaune, who had been forced into the locker along with the poor Faunus.

"Thank you." The cat bowed gratefully.

"Yeah. Thanks, Hope." Jaune added awkwardly.

"No problem."

The cat waved as he left the two friends behind. Anon sniffed hard before spitting a bloody loogie into the puddle next to the lockers. Jaune held his friend's shoulder.

"You ok?" Jaune asked in worry.

"The inside of my cheeks are cut again, so Peach is gonna get on my case again." He joked.

He tried walking but gasped as he collapsed on one knee. Jaune rushed to aid him.

"What's wrong?!"

"Argh! My leg!" He cried out. "Dove, that rat! He kicked me hard in the calf!"

"Should I call doctor Peach?"

He shook his head.

"It hurts but it's not debilitating. Help me walk."

Jaune nodded and gave his shoulder to support Anon.

"Let's go, it's getting late."



Jaune helped the limping Anon into the dorm halls. After a short elevator ride, they arrived at the first-year floor.

"I think I can manage now." Anon groaned as he used the wall for support, clutching his leg with his hand.

"You sure?" Jaune worried.

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