V2E1: In Tragedy's Wake, Arm Thyself

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Smoke billowed from Anon's mouth, cigar firmly held between his teeth. He walked amongst the black silhouettes of Vale's people. His hurried steps reverbed with the clacking of rubber heels on the pavement. He passed through them like they were made of smoke.

"That's fucking freaky still..." He muttered to himself.

He felt a cold sweat build on his back. He's been wracked with this feeling of nervous dread for a few days now. His mind kept returning to Tukson and his ultimate fate at the beginning of Volume 2. A quick back and forth from his scroll somewhat eased his heart but he needed to make sure that he left Vale safely.

He felt his vision distort as he's hit by a wave of nausea. He remembered when he first arrived in Remnant.

"This shit..." He coughed harshly, clutching his shirt at the heart. "...Again?!"

He suffered a coughing fit before stumbling through another shade, landing on his front. He punched himself in the sternum with one last dry cough before picking himself back up.

"What in the fuck was that?!" He asked aloud as he looked around frantically. "I'm not back in Sin City am I?!"

To his surprise, he was still in Remnant. His nose warned him of his location before he even had the chance to realize where he was.

"I'm at the docks?" He noticed.

Suddenly, he heard shouting.

"Not so funny, huh, funny man!" Someone yelled belligerently.

"Think that banana's gonna save you now?" Another voice taunted mockingly. "Ya tailed moron!"

Wait, Banana? Tailed?

His head shot up like a rocket and was met by a scene that left a sour taste in his mouth.

A blond, muscular man wearing an open shirt and rolled-up jeans was getting the tar beaten out of him. A golden tail popped out of his waist, identifying him as the missing member of Volume 1's cast.

"Fellas," Sun said quite calmly, despite being on the ground and being attacked. "Can we just talk about this?"

Yup, that's Sun alright.

He sighed mentally.

I better deal with this before it gets worse.

Anon walked over, picking up on the situation.

"Think we would let you get on the boat without paying, you bilge rat?!"

"Godsdamned, no-good stowaway!"

"I didn't get caught for the entire trip!" Sun declared, quite offended. "I'm a great stowaway!"

Anon got closer with hands balled up in a fist.

"Oy!" Anon bellowed. "What the hell do you think you're doing?!"

The pair momentarily stopped kicking the downed Faunus. Upon closer inspection, the pair bore the Vale City Police Department badges. Anon rolled his eyes.

"You are not helping your stereotype."

"What do you want?" The belligerent cop. "We're dealing with a stowaway."

"You think that's proper procedure to pound the purp to a pulp?" Anon alliterated with crossed arms.

"What's it to you?" The mocking cop said in annoyance. "He's just some Faunus scum, breaking the law. Give him time and he'll join the White Fang."

An Anon's Journey: Remnant Act 1Where stories live. Discover now