Apocrypha: A Night Out

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"You have got to be shitting me..."

The doctor looked on sadly as Hope rubbed his eyes in frustration. First thing in the morning and he discovers that he'll have to live in the hospital for a year.

"I'm afraid not, mister Hope." The doctor informed.

Hope sighed, taking his hand out of his face.

"Anything else I should know, doc?"

The doctor nodded.

"Unfortunately yes. Upon further inspections, we have cause to believe that on top of your severe external and internal injury, you may have sustained nerve damage."

Hope's eyes narrowed.

"Fuck's that mean?"

"Your pain receptors have been severely overworked and, in layman's terms, have been worked raw."

Hope sighed again, resigned.

"Lay it on me..."

"The pain you will feel will be much more... Vivid, from now on."

"How much more?" Hope dared to ask.

"We aren't sure," The doctor replied honestly. "It could be as light as a scrape stinging a bit more than usual to feeling like a third-degree burn."

"Is it permanent?"

"We don't know."

Hope's eyes narrowed.

"How come you don't know? It's your job to know these things."

It was now the doc's turn to sigh.

"Normally I'd be offended by your implications. But unfortunately, I have never had to deal with an Auraless person. On a few occasions, I've dealt with people who have gone through similar injuries to you but usually, their Auras stitch them back together quite handily. Especially those with more developed Auras. But you? I have never had to deal with someone with your... Disability."

Hope hummed to himself.

"I guess it makes sense," Hope grumbled. "At least it explains why moving is such a pain."

He gave the doctor an apologetic look.

"Sorry about what I said."

The doctor held his hands up.

"None taken. If anything, I understand your feelings. It is... Frustrating, to not understand what ails my patients. But again, you are an extraordinary case, mister Hope."

"You can say that again..."

"We will see in a year."

"A year..." Hope repeated grimly.

I doubt that we have that much time, Doc.

The doctor rose from his seat before setting a small object on the nightstand. It looked like a round remote with a few buttons.

"If you need anything, press the blue button and a nurse will come soon."


The doctor nodded and walked towards the door. As he opened it, the doctor came face to face with none other than the Headmaster of Beacon academy and his academy's top combat instructor. The pale-haired man in green had this annoyed frown on his face, indicative of another dressing down by the Vale council.

"Doctor." The headmaster greeted neutrally. "How is my student?"

The doctor didn't miss a beat.

"Not much different from last time, except that he's awake now."

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