V1E6: He, Unworthy

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Days began blurring by since the first day. Despite his efforts to distance himself from them for Canon purposes, Team RWBY and JNPR really latched on to him. Especially Ruby and Jaune, thought maybe it has to do with how he helped them out and they feel obligated to hang out with him. In a sense he somewhat expected this to happen, Ruby is basically a stray puppy he fed on his way home and Jaune seemed to look up to him, for some arcane reason.

I mean, thanks? But please reconsider?

By extension, their teams are also hanging by. Ever since their talk on the balcony, Anon and Weiss are on better terms. They still can't really stand each other's personality but their insults lack the venom they once had. Now, it felt more like a pair of rivals sniping at each other. This is reinforced in their academic endeavours, with both of them making a competition out of their grades.

Blake had been trying to gather information from him since they met, so her presence is unsurprising as well. However, she seemed to have taken his declaration that he was "on her side" to heart. He has had every opportunity to pull the rug from under her and blow her cover yet he didn't do anything to endanger her. If anything, he's been covering for her when her secret was threatened. One good example was when he was dragged around by RWBY during one weekend and her bow came loose. Blake was about to panic when the bow nearly flew away over the dock's waters. And here came Anon, snatching the ribbon before it disappeared. Sure he fell into the water, but hey, it was for a good cause.

Yang was, as expected, the flirty and bombastic bombshell of the group. She was always upbeat and she really looked out for her younger sister. He didn't understand why she flirted with him, he hasn't really done anything to catch her interest. Thought to be fair on her, he isn't the only one she flirts with.

I'll reiterate, you have shit tastes in men.

Pyrrha is really nice and polite but kinda bland, so basically what everyone expected.

So she is a leaf, after all.

Ren and Nora are something else. Nora is one big ball of energy with a black hole for a stomach whilst Ren is chill, though Nora does test his mettle at times. It's not unusual for Nora's pranks and shenanigans to leave Ren mentally and physically drained.

Hang in there, buddy. You'll get to tap that later at least!

Today seemed to be Jaunedice day because Nora was recounting a dream of hers and Jaune looked particularly bummed out after one of the good witch's class.

I mean, Glynda did say that she would give him extra attention but this looks worse than usual.

"So! There we were," She wiggled her fingers about with a suspenseful tone of voice. "In the middle of the night..."

"It was daytime." Ren corrected in between bites of his meal.

Yang cupped her face, totally invested and immersed in Nora's tale. Blake was in her books and Weiss was filing her nails.

"We were surrounded by dozens of Ursai!" She exclaimed.

"Two Beowolves." Ren corrected before drinking from his cup.

Anon's attention was divided between his scroll and an essay he was preparing for Oobleck's history class. Just in case.

"But they were no match... And in the end, Ren and I took them down and made a boatload of Lien selling Ursa skin rugs!" Nora held her fist in the air triumphantly.

Anon gave pause.

"Nora? Don't Grimms sublimate upon death? How the hell could you make a rug out of smoke?"

An Anon's Journey: Remnant Act 1Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin